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Comment Re:Fraudsters (Score 1) 80

FWIW, there was reasonable evidence that resveratrol might work. Nothing approaching the level of proof, but reasonable evidence. And other evidence that it was at least harmless. (I used that as an excuse [to myself] to have several glasses of red wine over the years.)

FWIW, I'm willing to believe that he believes in what he's doing. There probably is evidence for most of what he's pushing. It's just that most theories about how biology works, even those by experts, are false.

I wasn't interested enough to follow to read how he decided that the dog had become younger. I'm willing to believe that there are some measures by which that it true. But there aren't any good measures of age, except the calendar, and that's not that good, as different events cause people (and animals) to age differently.

Comment Re:Harvard and bad science (Score 1) 80

Cinder blocks and bricks are a bad choice in earthquake country. I don't know what's wrong with timber-framed houses, but I do believe that a good foundation is more important than that choice...and I've seen some houses being built with extremely poor foundations. (They also weren't handling the materials in line with the manufacturers instructions.) This, of course, is extremely difficult to check on unless you watch the house while it's being built.

Comment Re:Sinclair is quite credible IMHO. (Score 1) 80

Intermittent fasting improves some measures and damages others. I think I read recently that it lead to increased heart attacks. Paleo diet is not well defined. (Different groups ate different things.) But avoiding complex sugars and foods high in carbohydrates is probably good. (OTOH some paleo groups at reasonable quantities of honey.) B-vitamin complex is something to ensure, because you can't store most of them internally. (I think you can with B12, but there's also the problem with digestive absorbtion of that one. Consider sub-lingual tablets.) I've no information on "red light therapy", but heat lamps are a traditional treatment for arthritis. And daily exercise is something that everyone recommends.

Comment News at 10! Weather exists! (Score 1) 85

Variation year to year is hardly news. An energy provider gets the fun of allocating resources to generation and storage options.

I personally am looking at adding batteries to my home because my electricity provider charges by time of day and the batteries would let me shift my usage to the cheap hours. I did the sums and concluded it could pay for itself pretty quick. $200/month saving - I am a heavy user - I have computers, minisplits and two EVs. It could pay for itself in a couple of years.

Add in solar and the savings would be more, but solar ain't cheap and the payoff would take longer. With solar and batteries and a capable inverter, I could have some off-grid capability, but I don't really care - the electricity is pretty reliable around here.

Comment Re:Now this one is wrong (Score 3, Insightful) 130

Idiot or troll? Being against China is because the US and China are competing for top-dog position. Racism has nothing to do with it.

Personally, i think there are quite legitimate reasons to prefer US over China. Some of them involve moral stances. Some are just personal convenience.

That said, the US is no shining tower of moral perfection. It's just that, by my standards, China is worse.

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