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Comment Re:i remember when (Score 1) 223

a) well, in your belligerent haste, you apparently don't READ very clearly. i deliberately wrote 'when it *seemed*', suggesting, to an observant reader, the inherent and now acknowledged illusory nature of that perception. while government has always 'trampled rights', it's also always been to varying degrees, with a clear and marked acceleration in this country since the end of ww2 (cue eisenhower's MIC warning). b) once things 'calm down' on the global scale? good luck waiting for that.

Comment Re:That sounds sexist (Score 1) 221

sorry you read it that way. not my intention at all it wasnt addressed 'at' girls in any way, and more importantly, it was meant as a joke addressed to all the current and former dorky teens (myself very much included) who yearned for a girlfriend amidst their social ineptitude. p.s. i question what 'benefit' joining gaming is for anyone really, beyond entertainment value (isnt that the point?). not exactly curing cancer. but it is fun.

Comment to help future generations of dorky male teens.. (Score 3, Insightful) 221

im old now and happily married.. but if i was still a teenager, i would really appreciate anything that could be done to encourage more girls (preferably hot ones) to pick up gaming.. (so they could come over to my house and play). these regulations are cock-blocking our dorky-teen brethren!!

Comment speaks to our inner life (Score 4, Insightful) 358

one of the allures for me (and i think a lot of people intrigued with cosmology) is how we can interpret the findings as a macrocosm for our own personal microcosm of awareness and being.

the fact that seemingly inherent in our physical universe is a doctrine of the futility of outward movement (vis a vis reaching a sense of completion or boundary), to me, points to the individual quest for seeking oneself by focusing internally.

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