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Comment Re:I call BS. (Score 1) 169

But roughs sure do. And that is where the two fires started - in the dry rough where there were most definitely rocks.

The only club with titanium is the driver, and that's used on the tee only. Using it in the rough is extremely unusual. It's very unlikely that two different fires were set by someone (a) deciding to hit driver from the rock-strewn rough, (b) creating a spark, and (c) that spark starting a smoldering fire.

Comment Re:They're stalling (Score 5, Interesting) 465

This is why I don't own any Apple products, no respect for users.

Seems like they are showing the utmost respect for the owner. It contains private data. If she had wanted to be sure the family got the device and the data she'd have included the password. Most likely she "bequeathed" it because the relatives got everything she owned, not that the device was mentioned specifically.

Comment Re:Cognitive dissonance bites greedy capitalists.. (Score 1) 131

With any luck it will mean they start spending money on storyline instead of VFX.

There are only so many basic plots. If you're starting to see rehashing it simply means you've been around long enough to notice. Stories always get rehashed and always will.

Here's the basic hero-story plot:

  • - Hero has a simple problem and tries a simple solution.
  • - The solution fails and the hero learns the problem might be a little more complicated
  • - Hero tries a more complex solution. It also fails for unexpected reasons.
  • - Hero now realizes he's in big trouble and has no choice but to attempt a drastic solution with catastrophic consequences if it fails

  • - Solution is on the brink of failure when at the last moment the hero overcomes and saves the day.
  • - Finally, some other character declares the problem solved. This is the "He's dead, Jim" line. Even though we all know its over, it's incomplete without this.

How many stories and movies fit this model? Hundreds? Thousands?

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 1) 141

Your faith isn't so much in God as you may think it is. Your faith is actually in those translators, that they did a correct and accurate job.

This is an argument you cannot win. The response is simply "It's accurate because they were guided by the Holy Spirit." In fact, any seemingly clever argument against religion is easily refuted with "because God." Having omnipotence on your side makes arguing for it a piece o' cake. Here's a good recent example. Several times Ham whips out the Because God argument in response to Nye's time consuming and pointless parade of logic and facts.

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