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Comment Re:Easy! (Score 1) 481

They have been doing this before iPhone 5. Their bast hack was the collection of fingerprints from high grade politicians, from restaurant glasses. One of their magazines published the fingerprints and explained how to print them with printers and strap them on thin latex gloves. It was a protest act against fingerprints in passport, but the politics did not listen.

Comment Code for the world instead (Score 1) 58

The self-imposed American government of the (The North) is not very respected among the people with more than half a brain. No money, no free work. I guess that smart coders would rather code for the world in an open source way, instead of coding for one corrupt system that is breaking their lives in numerous ways. Why Shouldn't I Work for the NSA? (Good Will Hunting)

Comment Yes to Money, but not as donation. (Score 0) 301

You could give 3k to me and I will publish a batch of the best 100 images under the creative commons license on Flickr. The images would be free to use for everybody. I can guarantee an audience in the millions. I can guarantee perfection and quality which you can see in advance. The problem is that you can not get your money to be marked as donation, because I am not an registered non-profit organization as same a many of the open source developers and contributors. Donating money is easy, getting it recognized as donation is harder. Contact on Flickr with your money granting proposals and have fun !

Comment Re:Tin-foil... (Score 2) 163

To their defense, the Russian police actually does locate stolen phones. The German police does spy on us, but never gives us the location of our stolen or lost phones, because they say that it is not their job. In reality, all of the governments use this kind of surveillance tech, but only Russia is OK to provide it openly to the real people on the street. There are a lot of things that the RUSS government does very badly, but some they do much better then the hypocritical governments in the west. The govt. debt of example, they were strong enough to just default on it and move on in 1998. The EU is crippling itself over debt and is dragging millions into poverty over it. It is the same hypocrisy that let's them protect our privacy in public, but actually spy on us in private. I am very sure this phone locator tech will get abused, but at least they provide non-abuse services with it too, unlike the governments that do not even admit that they use such technology.

Comment Re:What if my name was Hitler (Score 1) 200

Your comment is more valid than you think. There are a few people who are named Hitler or Adolf in Germany. They are usually older. I have heard of one personally. They are usually immigrants from the former German exile communities from the eastern Europe and Kazakhstan. Due to different regulation and history, they were forced to keep their names. The Germans themselves managed to change their family names, if it was associated with Nazis in any way.

Submission + - Google is actively developing products against users of alternative browsers (

epSos-de writes: Google said: "Don't be evil". In reality they are actively discriminating against browsers that are not based on Google Chrome. Opera is repeatedly crippled in gMail. Google's Java Scripts are prohibiting Opera users from selecting and copying text in the Opera browser.

Opera did resolve the issue with every new release, but Google still keeps changing their code, so that users of Opera are not allowed to select and copy text, when they are using gMail. The first few times, it was suspicious, but now it is too obvious that Google is actively developing products that can not be used outside of the Google Chrome.

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