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Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 1) 270

While my personal observations in this context are overwhelmingly in agreement with yours, I'll add that there is a subtle difference between office cultures which display visceral disdain for formality and those which merely disregard it as being irrelevant to the core mission of the business. The former may be summarized as "damn the man, we're hip and trendy and full of venture capital, and can you please repeat the question" whereas the latter may be closer to "the attire of a particular group of people only becomes a relevant factor if a strong correlation between utility/intelligence/incompetence is simultaneously noted, and said correlation should not necessarily be assumed to extend to other groups of people."

Comment Re:Natural immunity (Score 4, Informative) 122

Given that you bothered to reference "lenght (sic) of time," I find it disheartening that you have also demonstrated apparent failure to comprehend or intelligently consider bounding problems, population density, transmission risks and rates, practical effects of seemingly low mutation rates, microbiology, and systems thinking. In short, all activities involving large scale administration of antibiotics to livestock at dosages resulting in appreciable treatment/prevention efficacy are practices which drive substantial and increasing risks to public health.

The math doesn't lie, and the trending curves of probabilities associated with widespread epidemics aren't exactly uplifting. I'll make a preemptive recommendation that you suppress the urge to post anything resembling a cliché "citation needed" response here. Given the circumstances at hand, devotion of your time to even a cursory review of the aforementioned subject matter would likely be a more productive activity. Such study will necessarily involve your review of all citations referenced in said materials, review of nested citations, etc. You wouldn't want to compound foolishness with yet more foolishness, would you?

I'm willing to admit that I may be entirely wrong in my assessment of your level of knowledge, with the corollary that you are simply betting that your benefits will outweigh your risk in this area for the duration of your lifespan. However, given that I know nothing of your mode of living or the measures of your personal resource reserves on hand for reaction/relocation/adaptation/insulation in response a large scale communicable disease crisis, I must hazard a guess that you're either (A) dangerously ignorant of reality or (B) very well prepared to deal with things turning shitty in a hurry. It is my measured estimation that the odds of your membership in the intersecting set are quite low, given your mid-range UID and the generally incongruous nature of the respective attributes of the A and B sets.

Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 4, Insightful) 270

If you work in any field involving network infrastructure, software development, information services, or data management/warehousing and your salary is at all dependent upon your attire, I strongly suggest you inquire with competing firms. You may well find they're paying better and place fewer arbitrary burdens upon their personnel.

Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 1) 270

Every professional workplace has an expectation of a formal atire. What is wrong with requiring suits over the usual office shirts and pants?

I'm not opposed to wearing a well-tailored suit. I've worn many suits over the years, and I once wore a Navy uniform for a living. These facts notwithstanding, your view on this topic is plainly distorted. My professional workplace doesn't have this expectation, and our average employee salary is considerably higher than that of a great many companies with dress codes. Our expectations are that reasonable personal hygiene is attended to and that our employees bring brains and dedication to work every day. As for clothes, the policy is generally "yes, please, nudity might be distracting." This workplace is a rather large, professionally designed, thoughtfully laid out office space. Lunch is also catered every day. You might be doing it wrong.

Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

I happen to largely agree with BasilBrush, and I must note that your arrogance is not only positively dripping, but quite possibly misplaced. It is likely that I not only earn significantly more than you, but also maintain a lower overall cost of living (even while supporting my family), resulting in a substantial net economic edge over your position. It is highly likely that I possess deeper knowledge in the areas you listed (distributed systems, concurrency, databases, patterns, functional programming, network and OS fundamentals, etc) than you do, and I'm probably younger than you at 33. While I've been programming since childhood, I am a high school dropout.

Instead of crowing about houses and planes, I'm rather more interested in considering how I might leverage my present position to build an even better one over the next few years, hopefully one that provides even more opportunities for young programmers and systems people to shine. While my "day job" title is a senior engineering role and I report directly to C-levels, I'm typically more interested in helping other employees learn and advance in the workplace than I am in tooting my own horn at the office.

Always remember: businesses are made of people, and there's always someone brighter and/or better equipped than you, sometimes closer than you think. Whether you take it as mentoring or not, my advice to you would be to spend a bit of time in introspection and in furtherance of your interpersonal skills.

Comment Re:NEWS: Law enforcement officers doing actual job (Score 5, Insightful) 92

If you had any sense, you'd understand that regardless of the reason(s) you've found yourself interacting with the police, the only sensible course of action would be to have all communications handled by your lawyer(s). Don't worry, you're far from alone in your lack of sense, and that is precisely why fairly rudimentary law enforcement pressure (rightly or wrongly) works as often as it does.

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