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Comment Re:Ok.... (Score 3, Insightful) 136

Oh, that's all, is it.

Yep, you're right 1 hour max /s.

Browsers are the most insecure attack surface of any aspect of modern computers. Apple's s/w is built using standard engineering decision-making - can we rely on X being there ? Why yes we can, so we can delegate this function to that system framework which we've tested is all secure.

Except that all breaks down when someone installs a 3rd party browser. Now the security model of the system depends on the security model of the installed browser, and that's just not acceptable. It may be the user's fault that they installed but you can guarantee that Apple will be holding the can at the end of any argument over why their nudes are now all over the internet.

Comment Re:Stay safe. Stay sane. Keep blocking ads. (Score -1, Troll) 208

Agreed. Not only are many of the ads asinine, Youtube actively blocks free speech. This has prevented people from - for example - giving real information on Ivermectin during the pandemic. BTW, in case you are one of the deluded and fooled, Ivermectin is NOW listed as an safe and mildly effective drug for Covid-19. You know, after demonising it in the public space and anyone associated with it.

Comment Re:Fluidity (Score 3, Insightful) 692

Agreedy heartily!

And the last thing any human should support is categorizing humans by genetalia for access to income producing daily activities which do not rely on sexual dimorphism.

This conference's insistance on specific genetalia with ideological exceptions for self identification in the presence of cross sex genetalia is archaic, patriarchal, inequitable, unfair, and wrong.

Accept everyone or be known as the bigoted, sexist degenerate subhumans you are.

Comment Re:Shouldn't that be titled "Unexpected" Enigmas? (Score 1) 25

I have never understood how someone who studies a subject intently can be hurt or upset by learning the subject is vastly deeper and more enigmatic than they suspected.

I cannot imagine what kind of person acts like that. But most of you do.

It feels gross to imagine thinking like that. So deeply dishonest. Like the whole respn you pursued it was about some deficiency of yourself and not truth at all.

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