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Comment Re:Money (Score 2) 619

Someone who doesn't cheat for $6 might cheat for $10k, but someone who will cheat for $6 will almost certainly cheat for any larger value.


Someone who will cheat for $6 can rationalize it by saying "everybody does this; it's only $6". In fact, the lower the amount, the less anyone would feel like they did something amoral. Which is exactly the opposite of what you implied.

The 'everybody does this' part is probably a huge factor in this research.

Comment Re:How fitting (Score 2) 333

Exactly. It's not about 'not wanting to be alone with your thoughts', but about curiosity and obedience.

I thoroughly enjoy my thinking sessions, but:
1. I do so when I feel like it, instead of when being told to.
2. If there's a button in the room, I'm damn well going to press it. There's an obligatory xkcd somewhere below this comment that says it all.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 4, Interesting) 365

1. Most people in Germany do not have their own house, but live in rented apartments. They have no possibility to install any kind of power generator, renewable or not.

That is not really true. One of the things that is becoming more common is for the housing corporations to create projects where the renters pay an additional fee for using power from solar panels the corporations install. There are variants when it comes to the type of payment and ownership, but the general construction is quite viable. Basically, renters get to bet that their fees for the solar panels will be lower than what they would pay in electricity costs, feel good about supporting solar and have to do nothing otherwise. The housing corporations can (technically) provide better panels and prices due to the scale advantages.

It's obviously not a panacea, considering that housing corporations could really mess up their choices or try to become rich off of the projects, but in a way it is a much faster way to increase the number of installed solar panels than waiting for home owners to take the plunge.

Comment Re:60 fps? (Score 1) 157

AFAIK, GoT wasn't filmed at 60fps. Even if the broadcast format is 1080x60/30, it is just displaying (~)24fps using pulldown techniques.

Having said that, the rest of your comment is accurate. There is plenty of true 50/60fps material out there.

Comment Re:Welcome to Macintosh Programmers Workshop, 1985 (Score 1) 176

Or, or: CTRL+R and keyup.

If you take away the mouse in this newfangled interface, I bet CTRL+R and keyup require fewer keystrokes on average than moving the cursor to the command you want to re-run. Granted, CTRL+R and keyup could be slightly less destructive in certain cases, but other than that they're pretty much perfect.

Comment Re:Replying AC to avoid undoing mods (Score 1) 396

You're assuming that said people know how to cook, and have the equipment to cook. A LOT of poor people weren't even taught basic cooking skills by their parents or guardians.

Are you kidding me?
Water, oil/fat, 1 pan and a heat source is all you need in the equipment area, and unless poverty in the US has actually become what most Europeans think it has become, those things should be easily available to everybody.

And 'knowing how to cook'? Jesus Christ, it's not fucking rocket science.
1. Put water in pan, add X to water, boil until it is edible. Add some salt.
2. Put oil in pan, add Y to pan, fry until it is edible. Add some salt. Maybe some sugar.

rice cookers or slow cookers

Or, or, or: just use a normal fucking pan. Those things aren't magical devices using spooky technology, you know?

I'm not disputing that eating right when impoverished isn't hard, just that "I don't know how to cook" or "I don't have any cooking equipment" are terrible, terrible excuses.

Comment Re:"Fundamental Reform" (Score 1) 247

So I take it that you have no problem with big government on a state level?
Or do we need to go even smaller? Municipal level?

Your idea of how 'homogeneous' countries with 'big government' are is wrong and a cop out. It has nothing to do with managing and deciding things on a larger scale, which is extremely effective for a lot of things in life. Your fundamental thinking error is that because an implementation of an influential government is broken in the US, that the concept of an influential government is broken.
It isn't. You just suck at it.

Don't get me wrong. It's not easy. Humans are generally greedy, selfish, violent, short-sighted animals. We need to keep ourselves in check and prevent ourselves from making mistakes. One only need to look as far as the tragedy of the commons to understand why government is the way to do that.

Comment Re:Uh-oh (Score 5, Insightful) 186

The times of your PC speaker blasting Yankee Doodle at 17:00 are long gone.

TFA is overlooking a very important part of how hacking and viruses work anno 2014 and that is that hackers and virus makers have gone from people just messing around to people making hard cash or disrupting very specific and powerful entities. If anything, the symptoms described would only be part of ransomware or some terrorist attack when directed at average Joes.

Like the devices targeted by most viruses today, these sorts of devices will mainly be infected to track and sell data, to be able to use them for ddossing or cryptomining, and as a vector to extract financial authorization data. I don't think the 'my house has a virus and now I'm hearing Skrillex every day' is going to be very prevalent.

Of course the threat is real and the results when being targeted specifically more dangerous (to the body) than in traditional hacking. In that sense, we do need to be extra concerned with safety when it comes to 'connected homes'.

Comment Re:"Fundamental Reform" (Score 1) 247

Are you OK with totalitarian dictatorships as long as they're not genocidal?

What's the dividing line between "big government" and "totalitarian" anyway?

Are you really equating 'big government' and 'totalitarian government'?
The world is not black and white, you know?

How do we keep a government with few limits from becoming a government with very few limits or no limits? Wishful thinking?

Functioning democracy.
The US doesn't have that. And that is your problem, not 'big government'.

The current government is already spying on us all and sending the IRS after political enemies. Farm policies, defense spending, tariffs and import restrictions, immigration policies, financial regulations, clean energy loan guarantees, and environmental regulations are already for sale for campaign cash or non-cash campaign support. This is big government. This is what happens.

Not where I live.


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