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Submission + - OneRNG open source hardware entropy genrator (

taniwha writes: Moonbase Otago is pleased to announce its Kickstarter campaign for OneRNG — an open source hardware entropy generator, is already 3/4 funded after 3 days.

OneRNG is a USB key in the same form factor as a USB flash drive, it's an entropy generator, it makes random bitstreams suitable for feeding to your computer's encryption systems to make better and faster keys to make interception of your communications more difficult. It has two entropy sources, an avalanche diode and an RF noise source, either or both can be used

OneRNG is also open hardware, that means all of the design, both hardware and software, is Open Source — you can inspect the hardware and software to make sure there is nothing hidden that stops it from functioning as promised. It also means that you can inspect a unit after shipping to make sure it has not been tampered with, both by lifting its lid to look at the components, and by inspecting the embedded firmware both to make sure that it contains what you think it does and also that it is cryptographically signed with a valid key.

Because you don't truly own your own hardware unless you can reprogram it we're also offering device programmers for those who want to take the existing software and make it better or their own.

Comment Re:And many, many more (Score 1) 942

I lived through the conversion as a kid, really it wasn't hard, school work (all those conversions, all that manual long division,) went away and got easier. We had dual speed limits up for 4-5 years.

in practice when you switch to metric you switch to natural units - a pound is about half a kilo a pint about half a litre (american pints are smaller) - you don't buy a quart of milk you just buy a litre, you go to the butcher and you ask her to cut you half a kilo of meat, no one asks for 0.23kg, that's silly

In the transition you use some useful equivalences: 2 inches are ~ 5cm - 3 yards ~ 1m, 30miles=50km 50miles=80km 60miles=100km (speed limits are easy unless for some weird reason you've chosen to use numbers that end in 5 rather than 0) 2pints ~= 1l (in the US) 1pint=600mL(in the UK, but half a litre will do for lots of day to day stuff), 2lb ~ 1kg

"cups" are am interesting issue: cups in the UK and US are different by about 20% (because the pints are different) so recipes sometime don't work well between them today, the metric cup used by everyone else is an intermediate size, as a result european recipes tend to work slightly better in the UK and US

as far as fluid ozs are concerned they're just such a mess they're best avoided

Comment Re: Can we please cann these companies what they (Score 2) 288

That is called running a business.

And we cant have that now can we. Unless you can pay off the legislature to protect your business.

This country was created on little ventures like this, squelching them due to others paying to keep them out of the market seals our fate as a nation.

Comment Re:$1.1 Trillion over 54 years... (Score 1) 540

They may take issue with some things that you do or say but that's not the same thing as being overtly hostile.

Most of them take issue with our very way of life. We are 'too free' for them. They use the UN as a back door way, via treaties, to try to bring us to their level.

But then, your call for nuking of the place doesn't exactly paint you as a particularly smart individual, so you probably still wont get this.

it would have got rid of the problem once and for all. If you haven't noticed, anytime you leave 'survivors' in war, it comes back to bite you in the ass, eventually.,

Comment Re:If yellow stone blows (Score 1) 121

While i agree most everything would die out, i still think that we as a species would make it 10 years or so. ( this is approx ) Locally of course that wouldn't be the case and you would see mass death, but i think a few would hang on a while using some extreme methods.

Could we make it long enough for things to improve then slowly repopulate/rebuild? There is always a chance, but not a great one.

This of course assumes we are not already colonizing mars or something, with the ability to come back at some point. Then at least the concept of mankind would survive.

Comment Re:$1.1 Trillion over 54 years... (Score 1) 540

If America had just allowed free trade with Cuba the inflow of US culture into the country would've long turned it into a pro-US state

There is no evidence to support this. Its just your belief. History shows that few countries are 'usa friendly' just because we send money to them. As a rule, most countries with differing political and social polices tend to be hostile to us, regardless of our fiscal polices with them.

Tho i agree it was short sighted, we should have simply leveled the place and took over the land for our own use ( after the radiation had cleared ). Let them serve as an example for future generations.

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