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Comment Re:Is it going to matter much? (Score 1) 172

It sure sounds like the outcome could be cheaper, faster, more reliable and possibly even denser storage. How about a 10 TB drive that can saturate a SAS link for the price of a consumer 1 TB SSD now? It sounds appealing to have 40 TB of home storage at performance levels that would make a $200k enterprise storage buyer jealous.

Or that makes for 240 TB enterprise san shelf for the price of an existing 10 TB flash/rust hybrid shelf at speeds that will melt 16 gig fiber channel?

And who knows what value fast/cheap storage would have in terms of software applications. Maybe it would enable machine learning in more of a real-time basis by enabling analysis of vast datasets on demand.

Comment Re:Urg. (Score 1) 44

Worth adding is that the answers to someone's "security" questions often are easily obtained with just a small bit of social engineering.

Yep. Even easier if the information ("correct" answers) are available via Google.

But also, since you're already using unique passwords ... and the crackers managed to get your password ... how did they do that and would that have also yielded your "security" answers.

Their thinking seems to be:

1. So, one username / password isn't enough.

2. A second password should be enough, but it will use the same username as in #1.

3. And that second password should be SUGGESTED to be based upon something that can be researched / socially engineered / tricked out of the person.

4. And entered using the same channel as #1.

Okay, if you cannot get two factor authentication then at least use a different email address for each bank AND ONLY FOR THAT BANK. Email addresses are free. And always use completely unique passwords. Not bankname1 and bankname2.

The same for the "security" questions. Always completely unique.

If you have to write them down, do so. Just keep the paper in a secure location. It's far less likely that someone will break into your house to look for passwords than it is that someone will crack your computer.

Comment Urg. (Score 4, Informative) 44

Robin Miller: One thing that I think my wife and I are doing right: we don't have a bank anymore, we have a credit union, a local credit union and they do use secondary authorization on everything, you have to not just know the account number and the password, but you also need to know the answers to fairly obscure questions about our past, what year teacher was your favorite in what grade, things like that. Does that help?

NO!!! It does NOT!!!

1. It does not because that information can be collected at other sites controlled by crackers. So unless you enter incorrect information (which is, in effect just another password) then it is useless.

2. It is still on your computer. So if your computer is cracked then the crackers get your username / password / favourite-dog-food / whatever.

3. Find a bank / credit union that uses real two factor authentication.

Comment Mod parent up. (Score 2, Interesting) 608

Read carefully and you'll notice the government said he'd even have to accept the consequences of speaking out and engaging in constructive protest: they decree you can dissent against their rule, and that's well and good, as long as they can punish you for your dissent--which is precisely the situation in North Korea, where you may speak out against Kim Jong-Un, and, importantly, accept the consequences of speaking out against him.


If the end result of civil disobedience is the exact same in the USofA as in North Korea ... then what is the difference?

The politicians demanding martyrdom would be just as comfortable working for North Korea's government as they are working for the USofA's government.

And THAT is a very big problem.

Comment Re:Everybody List What You Think Went Wrong (Score 1) 552

Gamergate was ignored because gamergate is not news.

My problem with it is that even if the initial event happened EXACTLY AS CLAIMED then it is still nothing.

The "story" became the reactions to that nothing event.

And then the reactions to those reactions to that nothing event.

And now we have a post mod'ed +5 Insightful for claiming that Gamergate wasn't covered.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 3, Insightful) 608

And also, from TFA:

If he felt his actions were consistent with civil disobedience, then he should do what those who have taken issue with their own government do: Challenge it, speak out, engage in a constructive act of protest, and â" importantly â" accept the consequences of his actions.

He IS dealing with the consequences. That's why he left.

What Lisa Monaco is pushing for is martyrdom.

We are supposed to be a country of laws. We should not have officials demanding martyrdom of those who oppose their policies.

Comment Mod parent up. (Score 3, Insightful) 119

What depresses me bout software is how often we JUST DO NOT LEARN!

And not just software. Look at security as well. And so many other computer-related areas.

Software development seems to be riddled with arrogant know nothings who think they can cut corners or reinvent the wheel because doing the right way isn't "7337".

For me it's more like ... someone "learned" one way of handing it when s/he was working ALONE.

Then that person never learned that the practices need to be changed when you are part of a TEAM.

And releasing your code to the public is being part of a team.

Comment Re:Not surprising at all (Score 1) 67

Let's assume that the general education requirements of most college educations (ie, some smattering of English literature & composition, arts, bit of a foreign language, social studies, etc) actually does result in those students coming out slightly more knowledgeable than if they would have had even an "advanced" kind of technical education.

It's a reach, I know, but let's say they are overall a little smarter (ie, learned some new analytical skills & strategies) and are better informed.

I wonder if we're actually better off from this. Not because people aren't smarter or better informed, but because they're only a little smarter and a little better informed and they overestimate how well they informed they are and how good their analytical skills are.

On a mass scale, I wonder how much our political divisiveness and partisanship is driven by a whole bunch of people, who think they're smarter and better informed than they really are, taking sides -- often quite stridently -- on issues they don't really know about and reaching conclusions they don't really have the analytical tools to reach.

Add in the fact that everyone is an Internet Expert on everything they can read in Wikipedia and you have this recipe for high-quality mass ignorance and confirmation bias trying to portray itself as an educated populace.

If we moved the overwhelming majority of these people into a more advanced and focused vocational education that left out the "well rounded" part, would our *actual* ignorance as opposed to overestimated wisdom make us less partisan? Or would we just be even more gullible, swayed by propaganda, etc?

Comment Re:User scripts FTW (Score 1) 6

My point was just those features make quickie editing even quicker - your Amazon script is

var el = document.querySelector('#summaryStars, .totalReviewCount'), total = parseInt(el && el.textContent)

if (total) {
    Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#histogramTable td:last-child a')), a => {
            var num = parseInt(a.textContent), pct = 100 * (num / total)
            a.innerHTML = `${num} - <b>${pct.toFixed(0)}%</b>`

and about two dozen of my scripts are variations on this :) Put the basic framework in the new script template and you just need to fill in a selector and what to do with each element...

There are a lot of annoying websites out there lol, hope this comes in handy next time one just needs that little fix... ;)

Comment User scripts FTW (Score 1) 6

I write a lot of user scripts and couldn't live without being able to tweak websites to add features, or more often, fix their problems - I just checked Tampermonkey and I've currently got 40 user scripts for various sites :)

There are a lot faster ways to write them now using features from HTML5 and now ES6 which weren't there even a year ago - for instance, your password script can be rewritten in one line

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('input[type=password][autocomplete=off]')).forEach(elem => { elem.autocomplete = 'on' })

using arrow functions, Array.from and querySelectorAll .

If you use Chrome this currently only works in the development version, so for the next few months until that's released you can write

[].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('input[type=password][autocomplete=off]')).forEach(function(elem) { elem.autocomplete = 'on' })


If instead you want to insert HTML, using template strings and insertAdjacentHTML again make life easier, e.g.

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a[href$=".jpg"]')).forEach(a => { a.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<img src="${a.href}" style="width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-right: 0.5em">`) })

matches links with targets ending in .jpg, then prepends a 32x32 pixel sized copy of the linked image to each!

About 90% of user scripts are just

find things -> loop over them -> adjust properties and/or edit HTML

so it's handy having simpler ways of writing it :) Hope that was helpful, I keep meaning to write an article on advanced techniques for writing user scripts and not doing it...

Comment Re:EMC SANs (Score 1) 219

Are there vendors that actually support RAID across otherwise independent SANs?

Like if you had SANs A through F, each with a 10 TB volume and you used SAN controller Z (which has no disks of its own) to take those 10 TB volumes and turn them into a single (say RAID-6) volume.

I've done this for laughs with a NAS4Free implementation, using its iSCSI client to mount LUNs from 3-4 different storage devices and then combining those mounts into a RAID LUN which I then exported via ISCSI and used on a client.

It seems like an interesting idea, and put together right seems like it might offer some relatively interesting redundancy versus some of the replication and mirroring options I've seen vendors advertise.

Comment Re:The article should use "ridiculous" 0 times. (Score 2, Insightful) 292

There are some things that reasonably can be ascribed the quality of being a worthy candidate for ridicule.

Certainly the notion that a representative democracy would copyright its laws and attempt to control their distribution for profit or any other motive is worthy of ridicule.

AFAIK the motivation is almost always financial, usually in collusion with some big legal publisher who gets exclusive rights and kicks back to the state. But it's not hard to imagine some kind of conspiratorial intent to restrict information to protect the legal class or bury details.

About the only rationale that makes any sense is to try to maintain an official reference presentation. The state could actually format and print a small run of the code and annotations themselves, which anyone could copy, but that would probably be a non-trivial amount of overhead, so they outsource it to a publisher in exchange for exclusivity.

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