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Comment Re:me dumb (Score 1) 157

but that means time travel,

NO IT DOESN'T. I REALLY wish people would stop saying these things.

Using traditional methods of propulsion to accelerate in normal space-time causes time dilation.

The formula entirely falls apart when you hit the speed of light which according to the formulas in question require infinite energy.


Leaving one location and arriving at another faster than light traveling through normal space does not require that you do exactly as specified above.

If you can avoid the acceleration portion, its a whole new ball game.

If you can avoid traveling in normal space-time, then you've just potentially solved the problem entirely.

Neither of these two things have been proven impossible, although very improbably for the former.

A blackhole is already not normal-space time, the formula in fact breaks down inside a black hole. A wormhole (which can mean any number of things) connecting two black holes? Thats pretty far from normal-space time and certainly, in theory, allows for things such as leaving point A and arriving at point B before the light traveling between the two does.

Light does not travel in time at all from its perspective.

You can't fly a 747 by shooting a jet of water from the top of it up into the sky, you can make it fly using all the other normal aerodynamic principles that keep us as happy fliers. Just because you know it won't work one way doesn't mean their isn't a way we haven't discovered yet to accomplish the same thing from a practical perspect, and you really should stop implying that FTL == Time Travel. The equations that produce that 'theory' break down at the speed of light, so you can't use them to make assumptions about what happens after that.

Comment Re:This never works (Score 3, Insightful) 304

Keeping the plebs from copying their own stuff doesn't do anything but make paid for content less useful than the pirated stuff that someone else went to the trouble to liberate. And it only takes one. Past that point, all of the rubes can make extra copies as easy as if the original media had no DRM to begin with.

Comment Re: question (Score 1) 286

As I said before: you only picked the introduction sentence of that guy. He got not punished for "The jews are the root of all Evil in russia", but for all the rest he put on top of that.

For me as an European it is pretty clear where hate speech starts and free speech ends.

If that is not the case for you, that is unfortunate.

Comment Re:Missing data point. (Score 1) 349

If you think architecture doesn't change much over time, then you haven't been paying attention to architecture. Lots of data structures from 10-15 years ago suck on modern hardware because of changes in the relative costs of cache and branch predictor misses, and that's just on a single machine. When you get into distributed systems then the relative speeds of networks and local storage have changed dramatically.

Comment Re:That shouldn't surprise anyone (Score 1) 349

There's one more reason, which is that there are sometimes good reasons for writing your own sort routine. Specifically, if you have data that has a known distribution that lets you beat a comparison sort. One of the questions I was asked in a Google interview was along these lines. The point was not to see how well I could write code on a whiteboard or reproduce an algorithm from a textbook, it was to see if I could understand that the problem wasn't the same as 'sort arbitrary data', see if I could extract what properties of the problem made it amenable to optimisation, and see what tools I had for approaching that kind of optimisation.

And sometimes it's not about knowing if you can reproduce an algorithm, but about knowing whether you understand the limitations of a particular approach. Do you understand when that off-the-shelf quicksort library would do a terrible job on certain input data? In one interview, I discovered that my interviewer didn't know about hopscotch hash tables, but did know about cuckoo hashing, so we ended up with a discussion about what the overheads of the two approaches are and when either would be better.

Comment Re: Google: Select jurors who understand stats. (Score 1) 349

People should be hired based on who is best for the job. Period.

If you have a mechanism for identifying, up front, who is best for a job requiring creativity and technical skill and is not subject to subconscious biases by interviewers then please let the rest of us know. I know a lot of companies that would be able to save huge amounts of money by replacing their hiring mechanisms with such a technique.

Comment Seems to not understand how it works (Score 1, Insightful) 130

This guy seems to think the fact that his computer is usable is an exploit. He doesn't mention anything that isn't just documented and known as the 'way it works'.

Pretty much everything he talks about makes it clear he doesn't actually understand the features and how they actually work. Every comment he makes ... makes almost no practical sense. Its not technically incorrect, its just pointless and doesn't actually mean anything from a security perspective. Its like saying These makes are insecure; the sky is blue; and magically the second is supposed to backup the first.

Comment Re: question (Score 1) 286

Yes, because that was hate speech. And you perhaps should quote more of the verdict. Because I'm pretty sure that the real hate speech comes a bit later, and that this "cause of all evil" is only the introduction.

The example you gave 3 posts back was not hate speech :D

No, it is not word for word the example you gave. Your example was first of all: right. And this "jews are the root of all evil" can't be upheld by any historical evidence, so minimum it is a lie.

Here you can read the whole case: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/site...{"itemid":["001-79619"]}

I suggest to try to understand what is going on instead of cherry picking random quotes with the attempt to support your standpoint.

Comment Re:What's the cost ? (Score 1) 58

We are talking about CLIMATE models.

What has that to do with gravity? And for what would you need a model if you want to talk about gravity when you only need 2 or 3 formulars?

FTFY: You can be sure that there are climatologists working not at all on universal (as in working on all planets) software of climate change.

The links you quote have nothing to do with "universal climate models" ... facepalm.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Actually, I'm a professional in the field of energy production :D so it is very likely if I point out another professional is wrong, that I'm right :D

I linked you GE's current product list of their wind turbines which was overwhelmingly turbines with gearboxes, and you told me that this was clearly a lie and you know better than GE itself what GE is making.
You are an idiot. I did not say "that is a lie". I said: the trend is going to gear box less designs. And that point actually was not made by me first, but by some of our parents already a few posts back. Why you picked that topic at all to ride a discussion about gear boxes, no one really understood in that thread.

The part of the thread actually was about "rare earth" especially niobium used in magnets, where one guy claimed we had not enough rare earth to produce lots of wind mills, as he did not get that "rare" in this case is only part of the name, and does not indicate actual rareness, the part he missed is: you can make perfectly fine magnets without rare earth ... the "efficiency" you lose is quite low.

But if it is important for you to argue over designs with gears and gear less designs, go ahead. But please stop twisting truth and the point of the discussion. No one really cares if a wind turbine has a gear or not, except the guy who is going to maintain it :D

You lost track in that discussion already ... hope you don't lose track to often. Because that is also a clear indication for mental problems.

And of course, that ends when you fact check your statements, at which point you become a simple liar. A point of which I make a point to notify people of when you answer these threads now.
Calling someone a liar is slander or libel. I suggest you rather focus on pointing out mistakes I make instead of claiming: that is a lie.

When I tell you I earn $1000 an hour you could claim it is a lie. But it is much more likely that I typoed and have an extra zero. Your choice to pick the most likely explanation ...

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