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Comment Re:Power supply costs, BMs and shi5 (Score 1) 198

There was a movement at a college not long ago, a green movement to be exact (have to be specific with the /. demographic), and the average electrical savings for various infinitesimal lifestyle changes was quite remarkable.

Leaving the phone charger plugged in, for example, uses an average of .26 watts versus 2.24 when your link to the civilized world is charging... and, don't get me started on the cost of leaving a single DVR cable box plugged in year round. According top the 1st random study google provided, $43 and change.

Moral: Don't be a selfish dick... plug your shit in when you're ready to use it.

Comment Re:Either Way (Score 1) 737

If so, this story is still icing the lead on each of the 24 hour news cycle repeaters. Unfortunately, a lot of folks bent on killing themselves will still be attracted to this infamous way out.

Single pilot plane crashes, parachutes that don't open, and weapons that misfire during cleaning are each acceptable ways out for the ones tired of life. Taking numerous folks with you so that they remember your name or so your pile of virgins is higher are remarkably contagious conditions.

Comment Either Way (Score 1) 737

The copilot is likely either a selfish bastard bent on school-shooter style suicide, or a selfish bastard taking a bunch of folks with him on his phantom trip to his afterlife reward.

The saddest part of the story is the publicity will encourage other malcontents to mimicry.

Comment Long on dream, short on planning & engineering (Score 2) 226

TFA doesn't go into very much detail either, such as how the Bering Strait might be circumvented or how exactly the "massive economic returns would more than make up for the massive cash outlay".

In the plus column:

It does mention Yakunin is considered a likely successor to Putin, so if you consider the excursions of the current Russian leader, perhaps this dreamer is still an improvement.

Comment Re:Good points, bad points (Score 1) 287

Otherwise, If the tech becomes popular, I can foresee miscreants making fake "5km/h" signs and the police making mobile "0km/h" signs to abuse the system. Seems like this dovetails really well with a government-controlled killswitch too.

Killswitch. Right, right.

There are too many municipalities suffering from the fallout of a fatal traffic incident caused by the ambiguous pursuit of a suspected criminal for that not to be of interest.

Let your vehicle be controlled just a little, and the next thing you know, someone in gov't is testing boundaries.

Comment Re:The 3d printed elephant in the room (Score 2, Insightful) 52

Perhaps It's tough for you to imagine that 3D printing might begin with a whisper, all primitive and slow...

Because, historically, every great leap in innovative technology immediately implemented itself as progress in one or two tries.

Protip: Even the Enterprise's replicator didn't get medium rare ribye perfect for at least two or three attempts.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

What everyone needs to come to grips with is that there is no energy source without environmental impact.

Fixed that for you

I harken back to a simpler time in a class with a respected teacher. I recall when a valued tutorial correction occurred just like this, and I was forever grateful to that esteemed educator for the lifelong lesson.

On that selfsame scale, I find myself nanoseconds in your debt.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 5, Interesting) 317

Damming a large (or small) river runs the same gauntlet with greenthink groups as most non-petroleum energy sources: It is a bit of an eyesore and it alters the flow of a majestic natural resource. Ironically, environmentalists most interested in alternatives are the pickiest sort.

I think it is clear that alternative sources of energy not only exist, but will be brought to bear once the easy-peasy carbons are depleted or no longer cost-effective.

What everyone needs to come to grips with is that there is no energy source that meets our current demands without some negative environmental impact.

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