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Comment Re:Many passwords just don't matter. (Score 1) 549

Totally true - and programs like slashdot should insist people use simple passwords.

The equivalent of putting a luggage lock on your luggage, as opposed to a real lock.

Among other things, it will discourage people from reusing a slashdot password for something that pales in comparison.

Your bank account? It's just money. You've blown it before and earned some more.

Your e-mail password? Well, you definitely don't want just anyone posing as the relative of your long-lost cousin of royal Nigerian descent.

But Slashdot? Imagine the destruction wrought with your account in the hands of APK for 24 hours.

Comment Re:What happens with no ID? (Score 4, Interesting) 124

I don't see why you need a driver's license if you're not currently driving a car... Children probably get through the checkpoint just fine.

They do. I flew with mine, completely uneventfully, multiple times, prior to admitting an 18th birthday had been reached. Note to self: dishonesty is the second best policy. Despite a school-issued photo-ID, they held my son out of line nearly long enough to cost us all the scheduled flight.

"The rest of you can go on ahead," they said, as if we mighty fly on despite the loss of a teenager. I have been talked to like a five-year-old more times than I care to remember during quality time with the TSA.... an exception to the rule, I am certain.

Does this all mean we'll see a rise in baby-faced terrorism?

Comment Re:So... (Score 0) 580

As an interrogation device, the lie detector is successful on the order of the Chicago area phone book.

Please remember, that is all it is. An instrument that measures pulse, breathing , and stomach contractions as a crucible against lying fails miserably against sociopaths and even your more common practiced liars.

Telling a suspect the technology says you're lying is a heavy club to beat the ill-informed with. There's a reason it's not admissible in court in a Country that allowed a multi-million dollar lawsuit for hot coffee.

Comment Re:42% are WILLING to work in the US (Score 1) 123

There you go Jethro, flouting your math skills again...

If you can flocking believe this, the summary actually misrepresented the original story's intent. It was to be a representation of all the nations a particular survey respondent would consider relocating to.

And yes, I know in my heart that RTFA is the Kobayashi Maru of the green line site.

Comment US France Grt Britain Germany Switzerland (Score 2) 123

Unsurprising. Despite local government attempts to the contrary, the top five on the list are all decent, fairly civilized Western democracies, that provide many life comforts to someone with a modest income.

The young are more adventurous, less settled, and likely to seek international opportunities. I can see that.

FWIW, the US doesn't fail at everything. We still have the Dream.

Comment Re:Color Me Surprised (Score 1) 335

The sad truth is, most folks are just comfortable enough in their busy little lives to buy into the explanation that if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.

It is a sad progression to go from being blindly proud of your country to being ashamed of the way it behaves.

Many otherwise keen individuals would rather not upset their own settled world view. Life is hard enough. Seeing behind the curtain is not for everyone.

Submission + - MIT study finds fault with Mars One colony concept (examiner.com) 2

MarkWhittington writes: The Mars One project created a great deal of fanfare when it was first announced in 2012. The project, based in Holland, aspires to build a colony on Mars with the first uncrewed flight taking place in 2018 and the first colonists setting forth around 2024. The idea is that the colonists would go to Mars to stay, slowly building up the colony in four-person increments every 26-month launch window. However, Space Policy Online on Tuesday reported that an independent study conducted by MIT has poured cold water on the Mars colony idea.

The MIT team consisting of engineering students had to make a number of assumptions based on public sources since the Mars One concept lacks a great many technical details. The study made the bottom line conclusion that the Mars One project is overly optimistic at best and unworkable at worst. The concept is “unsustainable” given the current state of technology and the aggressive schedule that the Mars One project has presented.

Comment Re:This was predicted ages ago. (Score 1) 155

... and the dish is prepared as normal a week later. Instant severe incident if not death.

I'm so glad I don't have food allergies.

Me, too, neither.

Although if I did have a potentially deadly aversion to some foods, I would have to be without food for some time before eating a meal prepared by strangers.

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