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Comment Let's put it like this (Score 1) 743

Let's put it like this, Greece had trouble coughing up the last payment of 170M euro. Russia had to help.

You think they're going to come up with 1600M euro in June? LO to the L.

Russia can't afford to help them with this payment, Greece is dead broke and Goldman Sachs who helped Greece lie about their books to get into the eurozone in the first place is long gone.

Comment Re:My god you people need to think about economics (Score 2) 1094

How much I've forgotten about economics is... well not that much because I'm not even that edumacated about economics.

I have spent more than a few hours thinking and reading on the subject and so I will attempt to answer your questions. Apologies if they're not great answers. Hey, at least they're honest and a little better than the highly moderated comments here.

Ok, since you have such a great understanding of economics, please explain to me how it's a good thing that the Walton family has more wealth than 40% of Americans (that's 129 Million Americans) combined, yet pays their full-time workers so little that they can't afford food or a place to live without welfare and foodstamps?

I wouldn't say it's good or bad. I think walmart has both good and bad aspects.

  • good: it seems to be efficiently run
  • bad: it treats it's workers badly by playing a min/max hours game to ensure they don't have to pay benefits
  • good: prices can be low for the customers
  • bad: it trains and ensures it's workers are making government claims for every welfare state benefit available
  • good: it generates lots of profit because it serves the consumer very well.
  • bad: they bribe and pressure local governments for subsidies and unfair tax breaks so they can out-compete mom & pop stores

How does it help me that my tax dollars have to subsidize Walmart employees (we're not talking about lazy drug addicts, we're talking about hardworking fulltime employees) when the company makes such huge profits?

A: it doesn't help you at all. The entire tax system is immoral. Although, I think they purposefully keep them as part-time employees (by government classifications) in order to qualify for these subsidies.

How does it help the economy when those employees can't afford to buy products that other companies manufacture and sell?

Consumption never 'helps' the economy. The economy is more than just passing money from hand to hand in exchange for consumer goods. Only the voluntary actions of individuals cooperating via a free market price system 'helps' the economy.

Or does it just benefit the 6 Waltons that are on Forbe's list of billionaires?

Don't forget all of the politicians that greased their hands making deals with all the billionaires on Forbe's list. Unfortunately it's the nature of human kind that as soon as one comes into power, the average human tends to wield it to their own advantage, especially power over others obtained by coercion and violence, hence 'government'.

Here are a few more discussions, thoughts:

Minimum Wage Argument Destroyed!

The True Cost of the Minimum Wage

Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, Peter Schiff and the War over Minimum Wage

And the best resource of them all Mises Media

Comment Re:The 30 and 40-somethings wrote the code... (Score 1) 553

You and your fancy schmancy Papyrus. Back in my day, we took a wad of clay and some black ash from the fire in the center of the cave, swished it in our mouths and spat it over our hands onto the cave wall to make some hand prints.

It tasted like shit and my hand prints looked just like any other and what was the use if it anyway? Face-book? Hand-wall motherfucker. In fact we had a game we called facesmash but that was more just smashing peoples faces with sticks.
But we liked it and we didn't complain.

Comment Re:Rand Paul seems to get a pass here (Score 1) 438

Let me tell you a story about when my friend worked a job that was 'unionized'.

Her interaction with the company and by extension the CEO was completely voluntary. She chose to interview there, negotiated a salary, chose to accept the job, chose to come to work and get paid for her time and could leave the job whenever she wanted.

What she didn't choose, was the hefty piece of her paycheck that the union stole from her. That was not voluntary.
Did the union provide a service she wanted? No. Did they pay for her school? no. Did they negotiate a better salary for her? No.

Unions are thieves and parasites who steal your money and then lord over you, pretending that they speak for you.

Comment Re:LIbertarian principle (Score 1) 438

Really? How many of your financial relations with the government are voluntary on your part?

How many of your financial relations with corporations are voluntary on your part? (and for the ones that aren't, could it possibly be due to a government-granted monopoly?)

I'll go first:

  • None of my financial relations with any government entity are voluntary, they are all coerced. One of us is benefiting on the deal and the other one has no choice and is getting fucked.
  • Almost all of my financial relations with corporations are voluntary. Both of us agree to the deal and we do so because both of us expect to be better off after the exchange.

Case closed.

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