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Comment Re:Rancho Cucamonga is another stop on the MetroLi (Score 1) 242

One of the high technology parts of the French TGV trains is that they are capable of running on old track at non-TGV speeds. BrightLine really should do the same, the train slows down a lot, but does continue on to Union Station after stopping at Rancho Cucamunga. There should not be a need to change trains.

Comment H19 (Score 1) 80

The machine I had was a HeathKit H19. This had it's own OS called HDOS. Not sure what the quality of that was or how it compared to CP/M. However the hardware also had ROM mapped to the first 2K or so (to run the program controlling the front panel display) which made it incompatible with CP/M. I somewhat remember it was already clear that all the good software was only for CP/M and I had the wrong machine and HeathKit screwed up. Anybody else remember these, have any comments on them? It does sound like creating HDOS was not a trivial amout of work, was anything interesting lost with it?

Comment Re: Year of the Wayland desktop... (Score 1) 66

No, ignoring the XY position of windows is a specific design decision by Wayland. They did it on purpose because they think it is a security problem. The idea that the desktop could just look at the requested positions and only ignore bad ones apparently is foreign to them. Instead they made it impossible for an application to store window positions.
They also purposely designed it so it is impossible to work with overlapping windows, by requiring that clicking in a window always raises it,a design that was removed from X10 to make x11. Their arrogance shows no bounds.

Comment Seems like this can be solved (Score 1) 46

Have another AI that examines everything that the main AI attempts to write. All it has to do is identify that an output is objectionable. If true then it is never printed. The main AI can generate a new piece of text, repeating until it generates something non-objectionable. Or it can print "congatulations you got me to say something objectionable".

This is all irrelevant to whether censoring is good/bad, just that technologically it seems possible to fix any and all such bugs.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 117

And yet all the cool kids love Python and YAML these days, both of which break in fun and interesting ways if you get the indenting wrong.

But that's by design, and is very clearly spelled out. And if you can't deal with Python's formatting rules, maybe you should go back to BASIC. The rest of us are making great stuff with it.

Comment Re:Errrm, .... no, not really. (Score 1) 94

That was 12 years ago. A 12 year out of date critique of a web technology that has had ongoing language updates and two entire rewrites in that interval should be viewed with some suspicion. Also, are you really just citing the title of the article and none of the content?

I'm not even defending PHP here, just questioning lazy kneejerk, "but it sucked once, so now I hate it forever" thinking.

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