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Comment Re:Two things... (Score 1) 65

I'm not sure what consoles this guy has been playing, but cheating is rampant in pretty much every popular console game. Some kinds of cheats may be harder to implement on consoles, but they always find ways to do it.

Consoles aren't fool-proof. But other than the PS3 there's no easy way to inject arbitrary code. So other than taking advantage of bugs (which are the developer's fault), you can't really cheat on something like the XB1 or PS4 like you can the PC.

Cheating the PC, by comparison, is almost always accomplished via arbitrary code. Wallhacks, aimbots, complex macros, tools that unveil more data than the player is meant to see, etc.

Comment Re: Gamechanger (Score 2) 514

Neither is a 10 KWH battery with something like an AC, or electric heat.
However, if you have a decently insulated house, then it will hold the temp for quite sometime.
In addition, a solar system, combined with a low energy using geo-thermal HVAC will reset the temps in the daytime.

Comment this is musk only bad idea. (Score 1, Interesting) 514

Seriously, the man is a genious, but batteries for homes is not that good, unless it is possible for utility to control them as well. At the very least, Tesla should make available server software that utility can interact with home batteries when owner allows. In seasonal weather with high demands and when solar can be blocked via clouds or length of day, it is best to allow utility to control when to charge them , or buy from them.

Comment Re:Sounds like upper middle class housing developm (Score 1) 540

I'm thinking "indie" more in terms of distribution not production quality. With his resources his "indie" projects could be equivalent to studio production.

Except that just doesn't make much sense... Lucas has given *no* indication he wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on high end productions and then not distribute it widely. People just don't self-distribute movies these days. In fact, the main point of indie festivals like Sundance is for the filmmakers to try to get their films picked up by a distributor.

On the other hand, he *has* indicated he wants to spend hundreds of millions (actually, billions) on philanthropic ventures. I just don't see any reason not to take his own statements at face value until he actually *does* something to show he has ulterior motives.

Comment Re: Elon Musk (Score 2) 108

Bruce, it is at vandenberg. The launch vehicle is already there, and has been tanked 1 already.
In addition, it is only using 3 engines, not all 9. As such, it is thought that it was a converted grasshopper.

The launch pad abort was supposed to have happened long ago, and then I had heard Feb, and then april and now a NET of May 5th.

As to the delays, yeah, most, if not all, was caused by spaceX focusing on getting their launch rate way up, along with the 2 failed landings. But, in light of NASA's dicking around with SpaceX and giving preference to Boeing to the point that SpaceX can not go to the ISS until Boeing has done so, you really can not blame them.
I will say that if Soyuz fails (sad thought since that implies loss of life), then SpaceX's dragon 2 will no doubt be moved up in priority since it is by far the closest.

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