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Comment Re:Why civil? (Score 0) 606

CEO:Employee Pay Ratio is utter bullshit unless all CEOs make the same level pay.

Or would you seriously have us believe that everyone's better off when everyone makes $8K/yr, but the CEO is only pulling in $300K, like some Latin American socialist paradise, versus America where the CEO makes millions but the average drones have to make do on $45K?

Comment Re:Not hiring the unemployed (Score 1) 1201

I'd believe you if HR departments weren't full of competent professionals who actually know how to do stuff and instead were staffed by 19 year-old girls who--

Oh. Well played.

But seriously, there's a good reason to follow that strategy. If you only hire people with no loyalty to the hand that feeds them, (a) you don't need to be loyal back to them, and (2) if you're lucky, they won't stick around long enough to get vested in your pension.

Comment Re:Even a broken clock (Score 1) 1051

I'll understand if you're under some kind of legal nondisclosure agreement, but I'm morbidly curious: what was the correct answer to the haunted-house question?

I mean, most of use would hope for a "no", but there's some wiggle room in the word "thought". Like, what happens if someone taking the test saw a ghost in her house, and was certain of it? Or what if she was only visiting a friend's haunted house, but spent the night, but thought the purpose of the question was to gauge on-the-job-equivalent experience, because I know we're not supposed to profile people based on their colour, but let's face it, we all know those translucent devils are the ones we really have to watch out for.

Comment I call BS (Score 1) 404

I'm sitting next to a recently-opened bottle of Gatorade. Because the plastic is transparent, and the liquid not, I can see exactly how full the bottle is.

I just took a sip, and guess what? I watched the level go down! If I did the exact same thing, but in two dimensions, it would look exactly like a gas gauge or battery monitor.

If that's not "intuitive" in your culture, there's something wrong with your culture.

Comment From FUD to Ad Hominem Condescention (Score 1) 617

OR, someone who doesn't want to shell out two grand for a computer that will run iTunes just for the privilege of being able to spend $500 on an iPad, when I can just plug a USB cable into my phone and Linux box. It's exactly the same functionality as plugging in a flashdrive, and yet I'm the one who gets downvoted?

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
