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Comment Re:If I accidently tread on a book (Score 1) 261

I've had dogs eat and/or poop on books. I've lost books in my "junk" room, otherwise known as the "Room of No Return". I've also had e-readers damaged, lost, or just went pfft for no reason, but I never lost any books that way. Worst case, I'd buy a new reader and DL the books from Amazon. I'd say the odds of losing an ebook from Amazon is less than the odds of my house burning down with its thousands of paper books.

Comment Re:If I were a publisher, I'd definitely agree (Score 1) 261

I still like reading dead tree books, but they are a problem to store & transport. I had a stretch when I wasn't buying books because I had no place to put them. Now, I don't have to worry about that. I also only had one book to read while waiting in the waiting room or auto place. Now I have any book in my library, and can even buy something new on the road.

Comment Re:Not Censorship (Score 1) 285

Sometimes it's for FCC guidelines so it's at least related to government in such cases, but different radio stations exercise different disciplines. For example a song that references weed gets bleeped on one local station, but not another in my area.

The meaning of a word is not something that should be politicized...

Yup. I've seen "Die Hard" in the theater, and I've seen it on network TV. The words are very different in each.

Comment Re:visibility doesnt matter. (Score 1) 241

I don't know any sources, but considering that the above said eight times more likely than terrorism, that's still pretty damn low.

Statistically speaking, I'll probably get killed by some woman driving a car while texting, eating, and applying makeup at the same time. But, to be fair, it probably will happen while I'm going to the mall.

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