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Comment Re: well that's dumb (Score 1, Insightful) 42

you have it exactly backwards. most expenses like payroll, R&D, expansion etc are tax deductible. when business tax rates are higher, there is more incentive to invest back into the business which reduces profits which reduces tax burden.

when tax rates are lower, there is more incentive to just milk existing profits since they aren't being taxed much, and to perform stock buybacks and boost dividends to raise stock prices, etc

i mean, we literally JUST saw this happen with the Trump tax cuts. the VAST majority of that money went into stock buybacks, dividends, and discretionary CEO bonuses. only tiny fractions of it went into large-scale wage increases or other business-building investments.

or, look at how much expansion happened during the Eisenhower era, when corp taxes were around 90%. businesses were growing like crazy.

Comment well that's dumb (Score 1) 42

by that logic, we might as well eliminate corporate taxes completely. businesses would love that. but why would they love that, if we are the ones paying their taxes?

because its not that simple, obviously. businesses ALREADY charge as much as they can for products & services. if you raise taxes, they can't simply pass all of that along to customers. if customers would pay a higher price, THE BUSINESS WOULD ALREADY BE CHARGING THAT HIGHER PRICE.

Submission + - Electricity turns garbage into graphene (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: Science doesn’t usually take after fairy tales. But Rumpelstiltskin, the magical imp who spun straw into gold, would be impressed with the latest chemical wizardry. Researchers at Rice University report today in Nature that they can zap virtually any source of solid carbon, from food scraps to old car tires, and turn it into graphene—sheets of carbon atoms prized for applications ranging from high-strength plastic to flexible electronics. Current techniques yield tiny quantities of picture-perfect graphene or up to tons of less prized graphene chunks; the new method already produces grams per day of near-pristine graphene in the lab, and researchers are now scaling it up to kilograms per day.

Submission + - Coronavirus: How can China build a hospital so quickly? (bbc.com) 1

Applehu Akbar writes: The Chinese city of Wuhan is building a new 1,000-bed hospital to quarantine coronavirus patients. They expect to complete the project in six days. The prefabricated design will be similar to a hospital that Beijing built in 2003 in one week.

Like its predecessor in Beijing, the new hospital is intended to be a temporary "pressure reliever" and not for permanent use. But in an American or EU city of the same size, would six days be enough time to even fill out and submit the applications for the first round of permits?

Submission + - Help NASA Choose the Name for Its Next Mars Rover (nasa.gov)

DevNull127 writes: NASA will launch a new rover to Mars this July — and 28,000 American schoolchildren wrote essays with suggestions for what NASA should name it.

NASA has now selected the top nine finalists, which they'll let the public vote on through Monday on a special web page where they're also displaying the schoolchildren's essays. "Scientists are tenacious," wrote one student who suggested the name Tenacity. "It is what keeps them thinking and experimenting... When scientists make mistakes they see what they did wrong and then try again.

"If they didn’t have tenacity, Mars rovers wouldn’t be a thing."

Comment Re:Fake News (Score 1) 157

Someone found either video or audio of Biden bragging about getting the anti-corruption prosecutor fired by withholding aid. Even if it didn't happen (which we know it did), Biden has bragged about it. (I've only read a transcript, I haven't seen the original.)

Biden has not denied this, and why would he? Leveraging foreign aid to get a corrupt prosecutor fired is neither illegal nor immoral. Quid pro quo is not inherently illegal. In fact, the vast majority of international diplomacy involves quid pro quo between countries.

It would be illegal if Biden leveraged US funds for PERSONAL gain. Leveraging it for something the US Govt and the rest of the international community wanted? Nothing to see here, move along.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

you are absolutely allowed to not care. what gave you the impression otherwise?

have you ever personally interacted with someone who demanded that you affirm their gender repeatedly? such people probably exist somewhere, but they must be pretty rare, as i've never encountered any. and i interact with trans and ninbinary folks on a weekly basis.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

if that's your idea of a meltdown, i would again question YOUR sensitivity. and yeah, please, throw back the curtain, show everyone the truth, you're fighting the good fight here!

i think it is you who don't understand free speech. you can say what you want, but others do not have to give you a platform to say it. and it does not mean you are free from social consequences. try telling your boss that he's a stupid asshole that can go fuck himself! see how well that free speech works out for you.

you seem to think that free speech means you can say anything you want, anytime you want, with no consequences. well that just ain't so, it has never been so, and it will never be so. sometimes you will get fired, sometimes you will be shunned, sometimes you will get punched in the face. none of those prevented you from saying the thing, and none of those prevent you from saying it again in the future. in none of those cases has your free speech been infringed.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

While my characterization of it is subjective I was actually conveying my own observations. Rarely do I visit a stack *** where the question has not been locked due to one of the reasons stated. This represents the majority of my experience with this site.

and yet, many people seem to find the site useful, that was my point. perhaps they find it useful despite what you describe above. perhaps they find it useful BECAUSE of what you describe above. not having a specific example to refer to, i will simply shrug and say who knows? probably some of both.

Several people in this very thread have independently expressed similar sentiments to the one I conveyed for whatever that's worth. I have not conducted a study and have no idea how widespread sentiments are. I'm not even sure what relevance who thinks what has on validity of my observations.

yes, there are surely folks that feel strongly about this being a bad change, that is not surprising. there are always folks resisting any sort of social change, whether for the better or worse.

I was speaking to the opportunity costs of disrespectful moderators. BTW your comment conveyed no such thing.

ok, but it's part and parcel, right? there is opportunity cost to the CoC, there is opportunity cost to having disrespectful moderators, there is opportunity cost to getting rid of moderators for their actions, etc. and it will all add up to some positive or negative value in the end. which i did say said in my previous comment - the very first one you replied to, i said "maybe it will work out for them, maybe it won't, but that's for them to try and find out."

as for CoCs being a net positive or negative, it would seem pretty strange if every instance ever of adding one resulted in a net negative impact to the site. perhaps you mean it does more harm than good more often than not? that's plausible, but it would be pretty difficult to objectively measure. maybe they feel they will do a better job than others have done. a bunch of moderators leaving in protest is not a good start, but again, any social change will have a lot of resistance. they are assuming the long term results will be a net positive, and that's their risk to take if they want.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

yes, of course it is reasonable to state one's opinions about the change and stop using it if one doesn't like it. my issue was not with that, but rather the last line -

Stack overflow isn't your blog / facebook, and you're the asshole for treating it as such.

give an opinion about what the site should be, then turn around and say that others cannot do the same? now THAT is some big fuckin balls.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

I care very little what you think; I'm just calling out your hypocrisy.

"Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)" - Walt Whitman

No, that's not your "suggestion". That's your demand. There's a difference. You'll find much more success if you ask rather than demand.

As it turns out, *I* care very little what *YOU* think. you don't like my tone? you think i'm too demanding, because i said "just fucking do it" instead of "oh please won't you consider doing it"? bully for you.

you're the type of person that tries to represent someone they know nothing about about as someone who itches to use the N-word

no, i don't care whether you itch to use that word or not. i was making an analogy about socially acceptable speech.

And you mock free speech

no, but i might mock people that try to twist the idea of free speech to defend their shitty behaviour. free speech is about what the government and laws prevent you from saying. when other citizens tell you what you should or shouldnt say, or when companies kick you off their platform or fire you for saying things that create a hostile envorinment for others, that's not a free speech issue, it's a normally functioning society enforcing its norms and customs.

Please point out where I said that 'they' can't be used in the singular sense.

note that the entire paragraph started with IF. it was a hypothetical. you cut that part out.

forcing people to use them doesn't give you any kind of moral high ground

i'm not sure what mechanism you think i have to FORCE people to do anything, but i assure you that such a mechanism does not exist. anything that any of us say to each other are merely suggestions, regardless of tone.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

if a sarcastic reply is 'being a dick' and all it takes to upset you, you have far thinner skin than the trans and nb folks you probably think are being sensitive

my suggestion is that you shouldn't misgender someone. if they say they are a female and to use she/her pronouns, and you instead use he/him pronouns, you're being a dick, don't do it. assuming you are male, you would probably get annoyed it if someone repeatedly called you she/her, so please extend the same courtesy to others.

if they say they are nonbinary, and to use they/them pronouns, and you think that singular 'they' is a butchery of the english language, take it up with shakespeare and the bible who were using singular 'they' many hundreds of years before your great grandma opened her legs for your great grandpa.

Comment Re:using correct pronouns isnt hard ESPECIALLY onl (Score 1) 800

Would my remarks be any more or less valid if they had 2 or 2 billion unique visitors per day? What is the relevance of your statement with respect to the merits of my specific criticism?

What is the opportunity cost in millions of unique visits per month as a result of continuing with current behavior?

If I could do better would by remarks be any more or less valid?
If I could not do better would my remarks be any less valid?

My general view of these matters goal should not be imposition of rules and royal decrees rather a singular focus on creation of governance structures which promote and reinforce behavior consistent with maximizing mission success.

Accountable and adversarial moderation systems, ranking systems that accurately reflect value while remaining highly resistant to unintended counterproductive behavior. These are examples of what's important. Not CoC's and kings.

your remarks are 'valid' inasmuch as they are your opinions, and you are entitled to them. many people might disagree with you. maybe 57 million, give or take?

i don't know what the opportunity cost of these changes are. their future growth or shrinkage will be one way to assess that. i said as much in my previous comment.

CoCs can be valuable in that they act as a consistent, referenceable written record of a site's goals, values, rules etc. moderation and ranking systems are also useful. both can work together, as the CoC helps inform the moderators and voters. otherwise they could be moderating or voting capriciously or inconsistently from one another, or not in line with the site owners' intent.

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