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Comment Re:Just be prudent although... (Score 3, Interesting) 39

I'm not posting this AC, and will take the karma hit off need be.

So with that, let me say that I hope you die of some horrible cancer that makes you smell like rancid cat shit, so awful that your own mother hopes you die, but you don't, and just linger on, more foul and corrupted with each passing day, becoming as vile and repugnant on the outside as you are on the inside.

Comment Re:Common sense here folks (Score 1) 118

Sometimes common sense is just wrong, particularly when it comes to predicting the behavior of other people who might not agree with what you consider "common sense". If you check his publications in Google Scholar, this guy's been publishing surgical neuroscience papers in real journals since around 1990. I think he really intends to try this.

Comment Re:Thank Goodness (Score 1) 152

Well... to be fair, Yellowstone erupting is one of those things that's just so bad that there's not a whole lot of planning we CAN do. About the only possible survival strategy is: "Be in Australia when it happens.". The problem with that plan though is that there are also super volcanos in Indonesia and New Zealand that could do to the southern hemisphere what Yellowstone can to the north.

Comment Such hyperbole in TFS (Score 2) 33

MIT Developing AI To Better Diagnose Cancer

FFS, it's not AI. It's a mindless program. Unthinking software. Data analysis software. Innovative to some degree perhaps, but AI? Hardly. No better than me stumbling in here and calling some DSP code I'd written "AI." Well, except I wouldn't do that. :/

When AI gets here, we'll have to call it something else what with all this crying wolf going on.

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