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Comment Re:Sounds DOA to me (Score 1) 121

I've got an Android *desktop* (Minix X5), and it works surprisingly well.

The best thing is the ease of use -that does go hand-in-hand with limitations such as no multitasking-, but the Home and Back buttons work really well for non-techies; and the App selection is excellent.

Many games do have issues with the format (no touch, landscape only, lots of sensors ie gyro... lacking), but all others apps work well, and over half the games do too. Main gripe is the lack of a shortcut to zoom in/out.

Comment Re:How is 'free to play' constricting? (Score 1) 115

"People aren't going to pay for stuff that they don't need". Say what ? You do realize there are whole industries about precisely that, right ? Entertainment, luxury, holiday travel...

"Charging money for every game would just assure that very few or none of them get played". Indeed, it's not as if there were a huge for-pay gaming industry on PCs and consoles. Oh, wait...

Comment Who's saying ? (Score 0) 269

Of note:
1- F-Secure have no "security suite" for iOS- because that's not possible, Apple disallows it-. Guess what, they find threats where they have product to sell
2- Listing a grand total of Android viruses is very biased, most people are neither rooted nor using stores outside of Google Play. That takes aways almost all the viruses..

In the end, alarmist bullcrap with no basis in reality.

Comment Re:The spokesman for the AHA said... (Score 0) 408

Mmmm... when one actually listens to what the different gods say, yep, it does, whether positively or negatively iis another discussion though ^^

As for homeopathy vs medicine, I'm actually not convinced either way. I spent my youth on homeopathy w/o any major issues, and now that i'm sick, neither homeopathy nor commercial medicine are much help. I think even a placebo effect is enough in a lot of cases, and that commercial medicine is often akin to an elephant in a glassware store, randomly wreaking havoc while looking for an elusive cure.

Comment Network effect. (Score 1) 260

It's called the network effect: the benefits of all going to one single place outweigh the costs. Same as for going to the supermarket, using MS Office, speaking the same language... Facebook is mainly a blank slate, you put on it what you want (subdivided between audiences if you want) and link with whomever you want. Plus I'm not sure what the cost of going to FB is ? I don't do social networking, but if I did, I'd go to Facebook. Why bother with anything else when it's free, everybody's there, and there doesn't seem to be anything better around (G+ is a disgrace, the last few times I checked my "home" was mostly hangouts logs, which you can't turn off ?)

Comment No 2 ways about it (Score 2) 983

1- if you need to backup 20 TB today, you need to budget for 40TB in the medium term.
2- a backup is off-line, off-site, tested, and multiple. The "multiple" part is pricey, and the other 3 you can get cheapest with a PC filled with HDs. Or two (I'm making do with one). $200 for the BC, $150 per 4TB HD x 5 = $950. Hide that backup in a place safe from theft, floods, fire...

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