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Comment Re:Real, real, real... (Score 4, Informative) 98

Where have I head this before? Oh right - Blackhat is the Interstellar of info-sec terrorism films - sigh

Interesting analogy, because the "accuracy" in Interstellar actually was somewhat distracting to me because it made the areas that weren't accurate stand out more.

OK, so there are magic space aliens driving the plot at some point. That I didn't have a problem with. Magic space aliens doing magic, whatever, it drives the movie, willful suspension of disbelief and all that.

Infinite fuel space-planes and the magical spaceship that somehow carried enough supplies for a multi-year mission while looking way too small to do that, on the other hand - those annoyed me. If they hadn't gone for the "realistic" initial spaceship launch I probably could have binned those into the "magic space aliens" "suspension of disbelief" category and just ignored them, but when you go for "realism" you need to go for "realism" everywhere.

Sounds like it's the same with this movie. OK, so the hacking is super realistic, great. Too bad the rest of the movie isn't, making the contrast just that much more jarring.

(That being said, I enjoyed Interstellar. It's a good movie. The science stuff is still a bit bogus, but the core movie is good. Sounds like the same can't be said for Blackhat based on the reviews I've seen.)

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 55

And did he actually carry out those threats or is the traditional police tactic of "let's charge with literally everything we can and see what sticks?"

Because nothing in the article elaborates on these so called death threats and swatting claims. It's almost entirely about the LizardSquad DDOS, that involved neither of those.

Comment Re:unexpected deletion (Score 2) 329

Not using that command is so ingrained, that I have the nightmare where I type "rm -rf /" in a console instead of the dream where you are naked in front of the class, or the one where you didn't study for finals.

You could also do what I did once, and accidentally hit space in the command and not notice.

rm -rf a/bunch/of/local/junk /

Except that's not quite right. What I actually did was:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/dontremember /bin

Comment Re:Will SystemD feature creep ever stop ? (Score 3, Interesting) 553

but even Microsoft managed to avoid building a console, web server, and QR code server into its init system.

Actually, when it comes to consoles... they kinda did.

Consoles in Windows run as part of the Client/Server Runtime Subsystem, which isn't exactly equivalent to init but kind of is. Killing CSRSS causes a BSOD as it's considered that critical to Windows. (Sort of, apparently it's not a "real" BSOD. Do not ask me what that means, I don't know.)

This was the reason that the Windows console didn't support themes (like the XP theme or the Aero theme) until Windows 7 - it was too tightly coupled to the core OS and Microsoft didn't want to introduce security risks via themes.

Comment Re:This could be fun.... (Score 1) 164

Most medical imaging equipment will dump out a DICOM file, which, IIRC, can be translated into the more typical 3D formats.

DICOM is a magical container format that is more than capable of storing data that no one can use.

In the best case, it contains the imagery in an unencrypted format that everyone can read like JPEG or TIFF.

Because it's the medical industry, it will instead contain an encrypted blob of proprietary imagery data that can only be read by a crappy Visual Basic program that the vendor supplies.

(At least, based on my brief experience trying to get useful data out of medical devices that did provide DICOM files that were universally in some vendor-specific format. And in at least one case were actually encrypted. You could get the raw imagery data out, using the Visual Basic program.)

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 629

Anyone claiming that the iPhone 4S is supported with iOS 8 hasn't tried it.

I mean, it is "supported." You can install install iOS 8 onto it. I have access to a 4S with iOS 8. (It doesn't have a SIM card so it's not useful for anything but test purposes.)

You don't want to. It will make your iPhone 4S absolutely unusable. The UI is clearly designed for the larger screens on later models and it's clear that they made the OS require more memory and processor power. You can argue if that was malicious (to force you to upgrade) or just "the cost of new features" but the fact of the matter is that they did.

Really Apple only supports the absolute latest. They may offer updates to older hardware, but there's absolutely no guarantee that the updates work in anything approaching a reasonable definition of work.

Comment Re:Any actual examples? (Score 1) 598

Given that they shared MP3s, it wouldn't surprise me.

I was honestly unaware iTunes even looked at the ID3 tags. I thought it loaded the files once into the library, and once imported, used its own metadata database and completely ignored the MP3s except for decoding audio. So I'd never have thought to look for corrupt MP3 files.

Not to mention that I've never come up with that solution in all my searching for why iTunes would be sitting at "copying items" indefinitely. I found a ton of people with the same issue, but no fixes.

Comment Re:Any actual examples? (Score 3, Interesting) 598

iTunes stopped syncing with devices years ago. It just ... doesn't work. It won't copy new tracks over, instead just sitting at "Waiting for items to copy" or some BS like that.

This isn't just me. This is everyone in my family, quite a few people on Facebook when I went there to ask for help, and I recall Adam Savage tweeting about something like that. It's basically impossible to get new music off of iTunes and onto an iDevice and has been for several years now. (There is a solution: factory reset the iDevice and copy everything over again in its entirety. The last time I did that metadata copied over wrong so tracks with one name would actually play an entirely different track. At that point I gave up.)

If I were more cynical I'd think that was the point (force everyone to buy off the iTMS) but I think instead the article is correct: Apple just doesn't care to fix very common bugs.

Here's another one everyone who's had to touch a Mac in the past five years will be very familiar with: SLEEP_WAKE_FAILURE.

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