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Comment Re:Ouya 2 (Score 1) 54

Half the point behind the Nvidia Shield devices is the ability to stream games from your Nvidia GPU-powered PC. So you're not limited to Android games, at least in theory.

Of course, based on the Steam version of game streaming, this isn't a thing you're ever going to be doing in reality, but at least that's the theory. (I mean, it works, almost, but you're still adding a whole bunch of lag.)

Comment Re:Stability (Score 1) 414

Hell, I've run into Java code that only runs on 32-bit versions of Java.

I'm not sure how they did that, but it absolutely requires you to have 32-bit Java 6 prior to a certain patch level.

Thankfully the part of IT demanding we run that software eventually caved to the part of IT demanding that the software running on every computer was, y'know, not full of security holes.

Comment Re:Not bad (Score 1) 95

Why not? I mean, they're just getting into the "HD re-release" market that seems to be all the rage these days.

I mean, if Square Enix can resell a nearly 15 year old Final Fantasy "HD remake" for about half the price of a new game, why not full price for a two year old game?

Comment Re:Fiber is fast! (Score 2) 221

Define "fast." This is apparently not about download speed but about latency. The idea is apparently to keep the majority of traffic that doesn't care about latency on fiber and move only that which does to a microwave network. (How do you do that? They didn't say.)

I'm not sure why they think latency is a big issue. Latency simply isn't a concern for the vast majority of Internet applications. They admit as much in the article and claim the majority of traffic would remain on fiber links.

So what's left that requires extremely low latency, lower than what we already have? They didn't say, other than mentioning that high frequency traders already use microwave links to reduce latency.

Comment Re:Cui bono? (Score 1) 71

This thread is about Apple Maps, so yes, Apple has a maps search engine. It's limited to searching for POIs that exist on Apple Maps, but it's there.

Even so, there's nothing preventing Apple from gathering anything you search through using their browser anyway. Whether or not they actually do I can't really say: the privacy policy is vague on what exactly counts as "Apple services" where they absolutely do collect search queries.

Comment Re:Cui bono? (Score 1, Insightful) 71

It wasn't money at stake. It was user privacy. I'm glad Apple didn't "pay".

Huh? Apple collects the exact same user information Google does, the change is that they now keep it in-house instead of sharing it. If you value privacy, you won't be using either Google or Apple's products. (And if you value "getting to where you're going," you still won't be using Apple's maps.)

Submission + - NFL Releases Deflategate Report

_xeno_ writes: You may remember back in February that Slashdot covered the NFL asking Columbia University for help investigating Deflategate, a scandal where the New England Patriots were caught deflating their footballs in order to make them easier to catch. The Patriots claimed this was simply a result of the weather, while their opponents disagreed. Well, it's been months, but we finally have our answer: the balls were, in fact, knowingly deflated by the Patriots (to no one's surprise). And while science can explain a little deflation, it cannot explain the amount of deflation seen during the game. Which isn't stopping Boston fans from attacking the science.

Comment Re:I must be old (Score 1) 87

Which games are at the other end of that spectrum? I'd probably have to say MMOs.

Yeah, but this is Square Enix we're talking about. They don't let minor details like that prevent them from making the most detailed flower pots MMOs have ever seen.

Not to mention Square Enix has a tradition of making the world's crappiest PC ports. Final Fantasy XIII launched on the PC supporting 1280x720 - and nothing else. Pressing Escape while the game was running instantly quit you out of the game without confirmation. The reason for this became obvious when they tried to add a confirmation dialog - the confirmation dialog wasn't done in-engine, meaning that pressing Escape appeared to lock up your game until you Alt-Tabbed to another app and could see the dialog box.

Square Enix can create some impressive graphics, and they can create games that run well on consoles, but their PC track-record is absolutely abysmal. (Keep in mind I'm only talking about games Square Enix themselves made for PC, not games other studios made that they published.) No matter how pretty their tech demos look, you can be sure that whatever they finally create will be unplayable on the PC.

Comment Re:What about servers run from home ? (Score 2) 324

Hell, where does that leave web developers who just want to test their website on a locally running copy?

Am I going to be forced to set up an HTTPS server just to test new features? Can you at the very least turn this off so you can test things locally without having to self-sign a certificate and then explicitly trust that certificate?

This is a ludicrously stupid idea from Mozilla.

Comment Re:VanillaJS Framework (Score 2) 218

Well, sure, but here's a question for you:

What was the first version of Internet Explorer that included it?

Because the IE XMLHttpRequest documentation doesn't list it as a member. (I think that's the most recent documentation, but with MSDN, who even knows.)

And their example uses oReq.readyState == 4 /* complete */.

Then again, who knows when that page was last updated, and the standards they link to do include DONE. (And I checked: IE 11, at least, has it.)

Comment Re:VanillaJS Framework (Score 4, Interesting) 218

Basically this. jQuery is one of those things that's almost literally bloat: it adds nothing that your browser can't already do, it just wraps around it. You absolutely do not need to use it.

However it saves on development time. It's effectively a bunch of boilerplate code that you don't have to deal with. It's one of those things that if you were to decide not to use it, you're likely to end up rewriting a chunk of it by the time you're done anyway, so you might as well go ahead and use it from the get-go and save yourself some time.

(Which isn't to say you should always use it. I've written pages where the amount of dynamic code was small enough that using jQuery would make absolutely no sense. But the larger your project gets, the more sense it makes to use frameworks like jQuery.)

Comment Re:VanillaJS Framework (Score 1) 218

You mean it's there now. Going back through previous version of the XMLHttpRequest spec, it wasn't added until June 2007.

Who knows when it finally made it into enough browsers to be safe to use. By now no one uses it more out of momentum than anything else, but it wasn't a part of the spec originally, and people writing tutorials would use "4" because that would work even in browsers that hadn't been updated to use the latest spec.

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