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Comment Re: Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Rich white male privilege exists. Homeless white male privilege doesn't. Addict white male privilege doesn't. Mentally ill white male privilege doesn't. White male abused by authority figure of either gender privilege doesn't. Divorced white male wanting custody of his kids privilege doesn't. How many white men with obviously shit lives does it take for the new left to realise that life is a damn sight more complex than white man bad everyone else good.

Comment Re: Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Males are not considered to be virtuous at all irrespective of colour. Try being anywhere near children as a man and see how 'virtuous' the man is considered to be. Men get shit for all the problems of society (even though we suffer from them too) and none of the credit for all the benefits. As to the pay gap, given that it's illegal to pay women less for the same job, can you give me some examples.

White male privilege might exist for Harvard graduates but for ordinary men they can have their home and children taken away from them on the event of a divorce, can be forced to fight in wars, are more likely to go to prison and the prisons are far more dangerous, are just as likely to be assaulted by their partner but are more likely to be arrested of they report it and are widely portrayed by the media as witless buffoons.

Comment Re:Where's the Linux phones? (Score 2) 243

Java, the COBOL of the 1990s

So wildly successful and used for shifting trillions of dollars around? Java has very little in common with COBOL, except features that all languages have in common. What should they have used instead of Java? The memory leak brothers C and C++? Javascript? LISP? FORTRAN?

The reason why phone apps are popular is because they're a lot easier to use and a lot more functional than web apps. How do you query your device's hardware from a browser? How do you turn the flash on and off? How do you receive notifications? How do you interface with OS functionality? Given that every phone comes with a browser how are you isolated from the web? Phone apps fill a need that web apps will never be able to because you can't give a browser full access to your device.

Comment Re: There's nothing wrong now... (Score 1) 489

I know. I use Agent Ransack now because I cannot figure out how to get Windows to do a text search that can find text I know is there. It doesn't do what it says it does. I understand there's some kind of arcane syntax but I've never been able to get that to work. Grep on Unix is far more user friendly.

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