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Comment Re:Chrome OS is a joke (Score 1) 112

Nah, then you'll come back at me with "oh no, I meant the SuperSecretUltra H264 profile, the "High 10" profile isn't good enough for the real modern world. What's with only using ASCII characters in the subtitles - everyone knows that the cost of supporting UTF-8's extended character set is essential for everyone's laptop and also going to magically kill your computer's performance."

If you cared at all about actual real life rather than FUD, it'd be easy to link me one.

Comment Re:stupidly weak (Score 1) 267

The argument above was "dictionary words are bad because of dictionary attack."

Guess what? If you happen to pick 5 3-letter words by chance, that's 15 characters, which is 1.6 * 10^21 possible combinations. If you're trying a brute-force attack, it's even worse than the dictionary attack, which is still unfeasible.

Yeah, line-noise is going to be harder to check through than a restricted set. But good luck committing "Xm2fHi0`IU@r0:$" to memory as easily as "bye flo ice oaf jim"

Y'all learn something about information theory before you try to talk about passwords again, okay?

Comment Re:stupidly weak (Score 2) 267


There are 10 digits, there are (in this list) 7.7k dictionary words.

If you tell a hacker "my password is 5 digits" - they have 10^5 keys to test, or 100000.
If you tell them "my password is 5 words" they have 7700^5 keys to test, or 2.7 * 10^19 - which is more than twice as hard to crack as an 19-digit password, which again is 10 trillion times as hard as your 5 digit password.

It's just math, people. You don't have to rely on hand-rules like "dictionary words are bad."

Comment Re:Memorizing site-unique passwords isn't possible (Score 2) 267

I wish that we could trust central ID systems, where we could create an account on a forum site with a unique user ID and then link that user ID to a central authentication database so that our central credentials give us acces via that unique user ID, but I just don't trust the authentication databases. I'm already leery enough of Active Directory that I don't use work passwords anywhere else to begin with, but companies providing such a service don't necessarily know what they're doing, and they're probably too willin to hand over information for what sites people would need authentication to as well.

You mean OAuth?

Comment Re: $1000 for a genome? (Score 1) 111

Yes - Illuminas HiSeq X machine (family) is one of the machines marketed as this. Please note that this is the projected internal per-genome cost of a dedicated sequencing facility - before any customer markup is applied, and only if you have the high quantity of data required to get your money's worth.

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