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Journal Journal: I'm out. 2

This website was alway shit, but now it's gotten so completely unusable that I'm not even going to bother anymore.

And no, I won't fucking tell you who the Fab Four was.

Besides, I already did and you didn't believe me.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Satire 3

Satire can be the most stinging indictment of something.

Especially when what is being made fun of is already a farce.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mod Bomb FAIL, Part 2 1

Comment Moderation
sent by Slashdot Message System on Thursday October 08, @12:05AM

You paying attention?, posted to Upgrades!, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

Re:You paying attention?, posted to Upgrades!, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

Re:OK, posted to $23,000 pen to commemorate Gandhi's birth, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (1).

OK, posted to $23,000 pen to commemorate Gandhi's birth, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (1).

Re:Self flagellation there, RWS?, posted to Mod Bomb FAIL, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (1).

Fuck you, bomber. Karma: Still positive, so lick my nuts, dumbass.

NES (Games)

Journal Journal: Mod Bomb FAIL 2

So whoever tried to mod bomb me (actually, I know who you are, dumbass):

All you managed to do was offset a few upmods that someone else threw my way. You fail at life, now go play in traffic, dumbass.

Journal Journal: EPIC FAIL: Collateral Damage 2

So Lockwood basically reprints a moonbat blog in his journal, which means it's ripe for trolling with Right Wingnut talking points.

So, I troll with those Right Wingnut talking points.

Lockwood nibbles, but doesn't fully bite. This AC bites, but this AC sniffs me out.

So what do I do? Well, I admit it and think my fun is over.

But it's only just begun: Check this gem out, posted a full 14 and a half HOURS AFTER I ADMIT I WAS TROLLING!

So, I mocked him for it.

The great thing is, every time I expose damn_registrars as an idiot, he quits posting for a few days, thereby increasing the overall intelligence of slashdot posts.

damn_registrars, COME ON DOWN! You're the next contestant on The Price is Troll!

I knew the guy was a moron, but I had no idea my little troll bait post would be so overwhelmingly successful. I mean, look at the length of that post - and the listing, and the formatting... he not only jumped into the quicksand, he did so AFTER there was a sign posted that said "DANGER: QUICKSAND".


Hey damn_registrars: Comments enabled, cutie pie - in case you want to send over one of your sockpuppets.

Journal Journal: Gender Fail II: Electric Trollaloo

Epic troll job.

See, it's simple: Troll moonbat lefties with poorly constructed right wingnut talking points, and troll right wingnuts with poorly constructed moonbat talking points.

It's like chocolate and peanut butter, except it's nothing like that at all.


Journal Journal: Gender Fail

Gender FAIL

It's like that old joke where the guy comes home from college and his parents ask how it's going and he says he thinks his roommate is gay and his parents ask why and he says 'cause his dick tastes like shit' which is a really old joke and the only reason I'm even telling it is partially because it's relevant to the discussion at hand and partially related to the fact that I think it's kind of funny to have such a long, winding, big ass run-on sentence in the middle of the journal that the lameness filter won't spike like a high school kid spikes the punch bowl at Prom before he goes off to a hotel room to deflower some young woman and give her the best 15 seconds of his life since that's all the more he's going to last even if he's like that idiot damn_registrars and spanks his fucking monkey for hours on end until the callouses on his hands are so think he can't even close his hands anymore which really makes you wonder how he's able to type especially when he starts whining like a little bitch about moderation on this site which, like the rest of this site, is so horribly broken it makes me wonder why we even bother with any of you I mean really people if you don't get it by now you never will you bunch of fucking dumbasses who probably didn't even read this far not like you'd comprehend much anyway because you're all a bunch of flaming idiots.

Journal Journal: Dumbfounded.


Looks like the "ZOMG FASCISM" crowd was actually right (for once).

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

I've already changed the 'D' on my card to an 'I'. I can't believe I'm typing this, but I might change it to an 'R' at some point in the future.

I think I'll disable comments and grab some popcorn. Don't disappoint me, monkeys!
PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Karma: Bad

Hey modbomber: You do realize, don't you, that one of my homeboys will correct your little pissing match, right?

Journal Journal: Open Thread 8

Post whatever you want. And stop saying I never did anything nice for all of you dumbasses.

Journal Journal: Note to the Attempted Mod Bomber 4

You know who you are, the asshole that modded me down over in Captain Splenda's journal and a few other places...

Guess what?

Karma: Positive

You fail at life.

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