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Comment Assume it isn't secure (Score 3, Insightful) 117

The worst thing they can do is to secure it and then depend upon the security working. Thus the system should be designed so that if it is hacked every other Monday that it can survive. There have been a number of recent (last 20 years) events that have shown that single points of failure can have devastating effects. So make sure that if terrible things happen that a lesser grid can be maintained manually.

A great example of this would be a local grocery store chain's SAP system failed shortly before Christmas(some years ago). They were so dependant upon it that their ability to order stuff and manage inventory was pretty much non existent. So the store ended up looking like some kind of soviet grocery store where the only goods on the shelves were pretty much those that are managed by the distributors themselves; things like milk.

This grocery store hopefully has learned from this and now has some kind of manual backup plan where a store manager can actually phone in his orders and crudely manage the store's needs in the case of another serious computer outage.

The same with the grid. Ideally they set some sort of minimal functionality emergency plan whereby humans can crudely manage the system as opposed to a system that either works perfectly by computer or doesn't work at all.

But I worry far less about hackers and far more about system design failures and Carrington events.

Comment I live in a near zero earthquake area (Score 4, Funny) 191

Where I live (Nova Scotia) basically doesn't have earthquakes. So the risk here would be Tsunami from a distant earthquake. Interestingly enough if there were a Tsunami the configuration of the seafloor would cause it to be massive and wipe everything out for 10 or more miles inland.

I am not sure how many bottles of water I would need for that scenario.

Comment Re:still slow (Score 1) 61

No, dynamically is definitely the wrong approach. It just won't work.

Shippping LLVM byte code could still be possible yes.

Does any distribution have some kind of package that can be installed ? llvm-runtime. Like you can install Python or Java.

Shouldn't be to hard to make a package for Linux for that, right ?

Maybe someone could even add it to the kernel so it can recognise the bytecode.

Comment Re:still slow (Score 4, Interesting) 61

Maybe it is just me but when I see these things, I sometimes get crazy ideas. And I think:

Might as well translate into LLVM bitcode and recompile the code:

Hell, maybe it's even faster if you compile the LLVM bitcode with emscripten and use asm.js to run into the browser. :-)

Comment Never heard of it (Score 1) 130

I guess this is why this fine academic institution has never crossed my radar. I have never heard it mentioned in any publication, any citation, any contest win. I am not saying that they don't publish squat but that nothing they have published managed to catch my attention. And when I read something in Nature, etc I will check to see which institution the various authors are from to mentally compile a list of intellectually active institutions.

So as far as I can tell this place is the intellectual opposite of say, MIT.

Comment Re:The US does not have an IT talent monopoly (Score 1) 441

We are not disposable blue collar idiots. We are white collar professionals and we just want the same damn respect accountants, other dept managers, other educated employees and even secretaries get within the same organization.

If you are not in the 1%, then you are one of the rest.

Some might get a bit more, some might get a bit less.

That's all there is to it.

Comment Focus (Score 1) 611

I suspect that if most people were faced with the choice of paying for all ad-driven sites would simply not go to most sites. I could live with a only a few sites, StackOverflow being a huge one, a mapping web site, a classified ads site, etc. Do I really need to watch russian drivers crash into each other?

Comment Re:What do they mean by cloud? (Score 3) 25

Why do people think "virtualized computing" is cloud ? It isn't. Because a VMWare cluster isn't cloud.

Cloud has characteristics like:
- pay per use
- API to control it, so it can be automated
- a failure model, like availability zones. So you know that things are 100 % seperated so if one AZ goes down an other AZ does not depend on it.
- etc.

Nobody says it has to be virtual either, you can get physical machines from Rackspace or Softlayer.

Comment Re:Who signs the checks (Score 1) 371

How did you do as compared to say the CFO or the head of marketing(assuming equal time in the company)? I am not saying that techies lose every time but that often when you see a set of technical and business co founders that often the technical founder is gone by the time things go public.

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As the trials of life continue to take their toll, remember that there is always a future in Computer Maintenance. -- National Lampoon, "Deteriorata"
