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Comment Re:Of course, it's likely copyrighted. (Score 1) 134

sue THEM for tampering with his code

Won't work if the company granted themselves the right to tamper in the Terms of Service.

That might save them from being sued by the users but not the publishers. They are creating unauthorized derivative copies of copyrighted works.

That's illegal.

A third party can't waive your right to defend your IP.


Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 391

Well, then rationally show me some examples of "good guys with guns" stopping anything. It just doesn't happen.

Stick to emotional arguments because the facts do not support you.

Paducah KY.

The assistant principle retrieved his pistol from his vehicle and stopped a school shooting before the police were on scene.


Comment Re:Lower Receiver? (Score 1) 391

The easy way out of this for the feds is to serialized the barrel.

You're not correct. Not only are you not correct, you don't know enough to understand how this will be skirted.

Let me explain.

This kind of idiotic thing would lead to sympathetic manufacturers making and selling 36-48 inch barrels that people will cut and re-crown at home to make their own unserialized barrels at home.


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