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Comment Re: Futile gesture (Score 2) 145

Are you sure about that? It's quite clear from the historical record that that's exactly what "we" wanted then (the Axis were extremely reluctant to drag the "sleeping giant" into the war, at least until we forced their hand in Indonesia) and it's well understood that Washington had advance knowledge of the impending attack at Pearl and didn't warn the Fleet...

Do you really think things have changed so much that T.P.T.B. would be able to resist another opportunity to manipulate our nationalistic sensibilities so effectively? Me thinks not. ;)

Comment Conservative?? (Score 4, Informative) 138

to start a conservative talk radio show

It amazes me how, in this day and age, a demonstrably-fascist douchebag like this asshole can disguise his obvious big-government, Hamiltonian (i.e. classic textbook "liberal") nature by calling himself "conservative." Then again, considering how dumbed-down and ignorant the populace has become, I guess it should come as no surprise that the electorate (particularly the senile, white-haired contingent) has absolutely no idea what "conservative" is supposed to mean. Hint: it's correct usage (at least in America English; it has an altogether different meaning in the UK/Europe) implies that one is in favor of Jeffersonian ideals, which run completely counter to Alexander Hamilton's Federalist (i.e. "liberal") beliefs...

Comment Re:Certainly... (Score 1) 250

You think pineapple on pizza is bad? In Japan, they put yellow corn and mayonnaise on pizza.

Tell me about it; I grew up there. :) A particularly insidious combination of ingredients (typical Tokyo coffeeshop fare in the late 70's/early 80's - don't know about these days) was a hotdog bun with spaghetti in it, topped with whipped cream and mandarin orange slices. I shit you not...

Comment Certainly... (Score 2) 250

UK Government Wants "Unsavory" Web Content To Be Removed

I can certainly agree with this and, I might add, we can start by deleting all traces of any online recipes that call for (*shudder*) fucking tropical fruit such as pineapple as a goddamned pizza topping.

On an slightly less sarcastic note (note that I wasn't completely joking about the fucking abomination that's pineapple pizza, BTW), someone please bash in the skulls of these stupid fascist puppet fucks. Now.

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