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Comment Re:Buddhist meditation... (Score 1) 333

Typical evening at home: the wife is watching television, while also telling me things about the day about every three minutes, as she thinks of them. I'm trying to ignore the TV by wearing headphones, except I have to take them off to listen to the real conversation. Every twenty minutes the toddler wants water, or to go potty, or any excuse she can think of to stay up a little longer. And what I'm really trying to do is work on the novel. It's amazing I make any progress at all.

Comment Re:Sad, sad times... (Score 1) 333

I can't speak for anyone else, but generally one of the most immediate benefits of sitting to think is you remember things. Like: oh, boy, my electric bill is due. And then you want to get up and take care of it. Or if you're deep in planning mode (thinking hard about a program, working out a scene in your novel, etc.) and come up with something good, it's difficult not to want to write it down. I've lost more good ideas than I'd like to count, due entirely to my inability to remember. You say it'll resurface, but in my experience that just isn't always true. Particularly if you don't get as many opportunities to sit and think as you'd like.

Comment Re:Can an "atheist company" refuse too? (Score 1) 1330

My government forces me to pay for many things I am morally against. Why should religion be a valid excuse to get out of it, when nothing else is?

Also, is paying for insurance which allows patients to choose the morally objectionable action really "paying for" that action? How is that all that much different from the fact that when insurance doesn't cover it, and the employee pays out of pocket instead, it's with money earned from the job at the same company? Both of those are one step removed - isn't the company either paying or not paying in either scenario?

Comment Re:T-Mobile's Reponse (Score 2) 110

Listening to this piece on NPR today I was reminded of the 90's, and all the crazy abusive things phone companies did then. Before cellular really hit it big, long-distance calling was contracted separately from but billed through your local phone company. There was a huge competition between long-distance companies. They would not only call you constantly trying to get you to switch, but nefarious activities were common. Once a year at least I'd open up my phone bill and discover I'd been switched to a new long-distance company without my authorization (they called it "slamming" back then), usually with some terrible rate or unintuitive "evenings and weekends" hours, so that what should have been a $20 charge for a few calls was now $50. It was almost impossible to prove you didn't authorize the change, and since the billing went through another company disputing the charges was incredibly difficult. That plus hard to read bills, fishy and/or vaguely labeled charges, and some surprise or another nearly every single month.

Today's news just reminded me that even if it's twenty years later and there's been a huge transition from landline to cellular, in the background nothing has really changed.

Comment Re:A win for freedom (Score 1) 1330

Ah, they're not shafted. They can 1) purchase add-ons to their insurance plan, 2) pay out of pocket for things that insurance doesn't cover. It's less convenient and more expensive, yes, but their employer is preventing none of these things. It should also be noted that 3) several forms of birth control *are* still included in the existing insurance, just not ones considered abortifacient by this group.

I don't particularly like this decision, but the consequences are not at all as you're laying them out.

Comment Re:Thoughts of an author... (Score 1) 72

Yeah, I don't get the opposition, either. Considering nearly every writer I know loves books stores of all kinds, including used book stores, it seems absurd to object to reselling a digital one in exactly the same way physical ones have been resold in the past. I tend to assume most of it boils down to the fear if someone can resell once they'll resell a bunch of times.

Comment Re:Leading cause of preventable death (Score 1) 454

Apparently I stand corrected, but that's still a crazy number. Going back to the famous quote, "Nobody went broke underestimating the stupidity of the average person," I am astounded that there are that many unwanted pregnancies. Are people really that completely incapable of managing birth control?

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