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Comment Re:drafting... (Score 4, Informative) 205

But I'm surprised someone didn't patent it and charge the military for doing it.

The innovation isn't in the concept of "drafting" another plane. The innovation is in the autopilot system that does it safely and automatically. As shown on Mythbusters the concept is viable, but a human is not capable of keeping the plane in the "sweet spot" safely for an extended period of time.

Comment Re:Do you have a sign? (Score 1) 340

I'm seeing a lot of posts stating something like, "any idiot should know not to dump on your land" etc. However, in many states, under law, you have to post signage or build a fence to notify others of your property boundary. You may be able to prosecute without these things, but it will make your life easier if you clearly mark your property boundary. This usually corresponds to hunting regulation, but in this case I imagine it applies to dumping.

I'm not aware of any States require a fence (although it is a good idea), some require a paint mark, or some signage. I'm not a lawyer, look up the law in your own area.

Comment Re:Cooling (Score 2) 422

You have solvents, grease, lubricant, metal bits etc in that shop air.

You have that stuff on the people too. Make sure you have some sort of buffer between the plant floor and the server room to clean yourself off. Like a mud room, but not as OCD as a full cleanroom. You don't want to bring metal shavings in with you if possible. It may be something as simple as making sure you have to pass through an office before you get to the server room.

Also, a lot of people are mentioning HVAC. It might be a good idea to have a slightly higher (1psi) air pressure in the server room than the rest of the plant. This way contaminants will tend to flow away from the server room, instead of towards it.

Comment Re:Labelling (Score 1) 1080

Is there yet a way to tell at time of purchase whether a CFL bulb is going to warm up in an acceptable time?

This is why I subscribe to Consumer Reports. They do all of this testing for me so I don't have to do it myself.

I've had excellent results with EcoSmart soft white bulbs (sold only at Home Depot). If you time it right you can get them for $1 for 4 bulbs in my area. That's cheaper than the old fashioned incandescent bulbs! Honestly, as long as I don't have them on a dimmer, I can't tell the difference.

Comment My Requirements (Score 1) 490

My requirements for an electric car are simple. I must be able to drive it at highway speeds for 4 hours before I need to recharge it. At that point I should be able to recharge the vehicle in under an hour.

I choose these requirements because these are the same requirements of a typical human. We typically eat around every 4 hours, and while many of us scarf down our food in 20 minutes, a leisurely meal takes about an hour. This would require a slower pace of travel than we are used to these days, but it would enable the return of road side diners, which disappeared in an era of fast food.

If I were in a position of power at Denny's corporation, I would look into installing 1 hour fast chargers at all of my restaurants. When electric cars do meet these requirements, (hint: one already comes close) I'd want to be the first to capture that market.

Comment Re:If you cuaght your mother stealing... (Score 1) 245

"Honesty tests" are always one of my favorite topics on Slashdot. I took a psychology class on hiring practices in college. The professor mentioned that he had a group of Catholic monks take one of those tests and they all failed. Why? There was a question that asked, "do you know anyone that has used illegal drugs recently?" The monks ran a drug rehabilitation center, so they all answered "yes" to that question.

There are some "gotcha" questions on those tests. The one that comes to mind is, "what do you do if you find a quarter on the street?" There are some answers like, "take it to the police station," etc., but the correct answer is to keep it.

As the article mentions, hiring practices can open a company up to some lawsuits. However, all a company has to do is show data that correlates hiring methods to employee performance. The study has to be double blind, this requires hiring employees that both pass or fail the criteria, and reviewing their work performance later. There is no requirement to show causation, etc., only a correlation is necessary. Most "honesty tests" don't meet that requirement.

Comment You're not going to like this... (Score 1) 340

but if you are sailing around the world, electricity is going to be hard to come by. Sure, you can start your engine and run the generator, but how much fuel can you carry? How much money is that going to cost? You will probably want to go old school. Things I would buy are:

Wind Vane self steering - If you are traveling solo, who is going to steer the boat while you are in the head?

Diesel Heater - It gets cold out at sea, you don't want to be lugging around propane and diesel, just get a heater that burns diesel and worry about one fuel. For that mater, get a diesel stove too!

Solar cells/wind turbine - As a geek, I doubt you will be able to go without all of your toys, so make sure you can have some power without burning precious fuel.

However, your most difficult problem is fresh food. Refrigerators use A LOT of power! Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables can cause diseases like scurvy. You may want to consider gas absorption refrigeration units, or some method of food preservation.

Comment Once again... (Score 4, Interesting) 771

correlation is not causation.

This "study" is heavily polluted by republican propaganda. Did these test subjects come to these conclusions under their own accord, or were they influenced by right leaning media (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc.).

People feel the need to identify with social groups, and therefore may be influenced by others in their social group. In my opinion, it's why people align along party lines. In other words, I suspect the cause is social, not neurological, as implied above.

Comment Re:Comparisons (Score 1) 208

Sorry, but elastic modulus usually isn't a big consideration, unless the structure has to be extremely rigid for some reason. Otherwise, you might as well let them flap in the breeze like airplane wings.

The best way to compare materials is a plot of density vs. tensile strength.(Java warning!) In this plot, the materials in the upper left corner are ideal. TFA states the material's density as 1.6g/cc (or 1600kg/m^3) and the tensile strength of 7.5GPa (or 7500 MPa) which would make it the best material on the graph.

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