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Comment There have been several cis women (Score 1) 227

who don't look "womanly" enough and have been harassed and approached by police after Karen types called the cops. Any time you call the cops there's a chance somebody's getting killed. We've been telling the police they're in danger for decades now (even though it's not even on the top 25) and it's made them trigger happy as can be....

Comment Re:Buzzword worship murders KISS & YAGNI (Score 0) 33

Humans, you are doing IT wrong.

That could not be more true. I recently looked back on the 35 years since I got my CS Master's and the overwhelming impression is that my field has utterly and completely _failed_. It is still the same old crappy mistakes being made, education is getting _worse_ and solid engineering is the exception and seems to get more rare instead of more common. I used to think "50 years until applied CS and IT is mature as a field". I do not think that anymore. Now I expect it will take another 100 to 200 years to get there because of the sheer incapability of far too many players.

Comment If you give my brother a fruit smoothie (Score 1) 161

That's made with soy stuff of any kind he's going to be sick as a dog for about 2 or 3 days. On the other hand he can eat tofu no problem same goes for edamame.

Meanwhile we've both been eating beyond Burger is for months now. And you can buy a bag of sugar-free gummy bears that have a 30% chance of putting you on the toilet for months on end.

A lot of people have problems with certain foods. It's not surprising there's some people who can't eat what's in beyond meats food or the impossible Burger.

Oh and red meat used to cause my mother's arthritis to flare up so she had to give it up. She wasn't exactly a healthy woman either died from cigarette smoking and heavy beer drinking. But for whatever reason red meat would make her joints hurt brutally

Comment It's a common misconception (Score 1) 161

That the right wing are in favor of small government. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The core value of the right wing is obedience. You obey people above you because they're better than you and in exchange for that people below you obey you. It's all about obedience. This goes all the way back to the origins of the right wing when they were monarchists sitting in the literal right wing of the French assembly.

Once you understand that everything the right wing does makes sense. Especially how they call themselves conservative while doing crazy ass shit that no actual conservative person would ever do. Because the core value is obedience and maintaining that obedience is more important than maintaining safe conservative policies

Comment His political career is done (Score 2, Insightful) 161

He can't run for governor again in 2026 because of constitutionally mandated term limits that he would need the voters to sign off on at 66% to repeal. So he's going to not be in any political office in 2026.

He pissed off and shit on a ton of his own people when he was trying to secure the nomination for this year. In particular he had 300 million dollars in federal funding that he blocked in order to punish people who voted against allowing him to run while remaining governor.

DeSantis is a scary ass mother fucker. There are multiple credible reports of him taking part in and enjoying torture. He has repeatedly banned books. His surgeon general is a horrible political appointee who openly spreads pseudoscientific nonsense. He is legitimately terrifying.

He is however basically inhuman and a complete unrepentant asshole unable to hide that on the campaign trail and it's basically sunk him this year. And he bet too heavily on winning the primary and being the Republican candidate and also on the Republicans in the House of Representatives shutting down the government and causing a recession that would make him a shoe in.

He bet and he lost and when he's no longer in a position of power where he can use that power to punish his own party members they're going to eat him alive.

Comment Re:Don't say don't say don't say don't say gay (Score 1) 227

Yeah I know every single religion has pedophile sex scandals. All of them even the Buddhists. Gandhi used to sleep with young girls supposedly as a test to keep himself chaste but let's not kid ourselves.

Extremist religions need to have warped views about sex because that creates a guilt feedback loop that keeps you coming to the church for absolution so that they can hit you up for money. This and the 4 to 14 pipeline are two of the most gruesome examples of how the sausage is made among the religiously extreme.

Comment No but good job putting words in my mouth (Score 1) 227

I said people who are heavily repressed and emotionally broken by a false religious teaching put forward by right-wing extremists can be broken in other ways especially when they're worse impulses are actively being encouraged and protected by those extremist religious organizations.

Or to put it more bluntly religious extremism encourages pedophilia.

Comment Re:Never make anything harder (Score 1) 50

In case you have not notices, it is always the incompetent that are selected as "leaders". And they then select people to work for them that are no threat because they are even less competent. In some rare conditions, actually competent people may be hired to help, but they are soon gotten rid of after they are not needed anymore, because they make everybody else appear in a bad light. Stupidity, arrogance, incompetence, greed. Always the same crap with the human race.

Comment Re:The most toppiest toppness ever, believe me! (Score 1) 50

How the F do humans that dumb get to be managers?

Simple: They cannot do anything valuable and hence try really hard to be managers. And the other managers that got into their positions the same way really welcome the non-competition. Can you imagine what utter catastrophe (for the other managers) an actually competent manage would be? People could notice that they are only faking it all the time!

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