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Comment Re:Browser as Gaming Platform (Score 2, Informative) 483

Unless you only play 10 year old 2D games, you're not going to have a whole lot of fun playing games with Wine.

I agree that for new games it's safe to assume you're SOL as far as Wine is concerned. But what you describe is utterly false. Years ago (2006ish I believe) I played WoW solely in Wine. And that is hardly 10 years old, nor is it 2D. I also played through all of Half-Life 2 via Wine three or so years ago. Played lots of Warcraft III, and various other games.

Again, I realize none of those are brand spanking new. But they are far from 10 year-old 2D games. You say you don't like people spreading misinformation about it working better than it does. On the same token I don't like seeing people stomping it down making it out to be completely useless.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 216

Only it's Japan. They actually sell real green tea over there. As in it isn't artificially sweetened like every god damn maker in the US does. Even Coca Cola sells the real deal over there.

And if you want real stuff here look for the Ito En brand. I live in South Dakota and was shocked when they started selling it at Target.

Linux Business

Hemisphere Games Reveals Osmos Linux Sales Numbers 131

An anonymous reader writes "Hemisphere Games analyzes the sales numbers for their Linux port of Osmos and ask themselves, 'Is it worth porting games to Linux?' The short, simple answer is 'yes.' Breakdown and details in the post." A few other interesting details: the port took them about two man-months of work, the day they released for Linux was their single best sales day ever, and they got a surprising amount of interest from Russia and Eastern Europe. Their data only reflects sales through their website, and they make the point that "the lack of a strong Linux portal makes it a much less 'competitive' OS for commercial development." Hopefully someday the rumored Steam Linux client will help to solve that.
Classic Games (Games)

Sega To Bring Dreamcast Titles to PSN, Xbox Live 158

Sega announced yesterday that it plans to bring back a number of popular Dreamcast games, updating them and releasing them for download on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi will come first, with further announcements expected after E3. "Both of the games will be based on the Dreamcast originals, but will be updated with high-definition graphics, surround sound, online leaderboards, and Achievement and Trophy support." Kotaku has a list of other titles they hope to see — what game(s) would you like Sega to bring back?

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