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Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 232

This thread is choke full of you and other people who have your religious views doing just that about me. So far I've been called sexist, childless, stupid, ignorant, thinking that parenting is easy, being obviously wrong on importance on family just to name a few "making strong assumptions about other people's situations and circumstances and then making strong judgments based on those assumptions."

And yet you because your mind cannot cope with reality, it turned that around and made me all those things instead. And you're not alone in this. Your belief system is fairly popular among educated upper classes in anglosphere because it was put into indoctrination plans within education system you're a product of. So your form of religiosity is exceedingly common, and once you understand the patterns, you can use it to trigger wildest hallucinations. As I did for you and several others, who are still fully convinced that I'm actually talking about difficulties of parenting.

Even though I made it crystal clear that I'm talking about problems with totalized morality, and this is just one way where problem breaks the minds of the adherents of far left moral tenets.

Comment Re:Says someone who doesn't have kids (Score 1) 232

And you triple down, now with maximum hallucinated view of "you think parenting is easy".

This is what religiosity does to human mind. It begins to generate hallucinations of things that weren't even implied, much less actually said to justify remaining in the religious tenets. This is you being a far left analogue of a Christian Creationist.

Comment Re:The actual problem (Score 1) 50

Yup. Built before Greens got on the whole "punitive measurements against everything that isn't net zero. In everything from funding to taxes". That was before final vestiges of environmentalism got taken over by green ideology.

Today, net zero is reality, so these sorts of plants will never have time to pay for themselves, don't get infrastructure funding in the first place even if they did.

Comment Re:And nothing will happen (Score 1) 169

Obvious killing of enemies of the state is done in obvious ways. American drone strike isn't exactly concealed.

The point here is covert assassinations, and if I remember my reading correctly, Russians prefer honey traps resulting in deaths. Which because of Western sensibilities tends to get concealed by relevant agencies, because it really wouldn't make a good PR when your protected person gets a heart attack in bed with a pretty redhead he was cheating on his wife with.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 232

Conservative Christianity is what birthed modern Marxist movement in all its glory. Malthus was a Christian cleric.

The fact that you think that being a Christian makes you the opposite of Marxist views, rather than completely in line with them on ideological level is as hilarious as you thinking that grandparents and siblings don't play a role in raising children. And then babbling about me not having children based on making that argument.

You're like the old, angry grandpa who had a shitty life by his own choices, and his last refuge is to denounce someone who doesn't have life as bad by having good relationship with both his parents and his children as childless.

Comment Re: Legislation... (Score 1) 232

>Ah I actually agree with your point that being attentive matters

This is what I mean. That wasn't my point. My point was that she totalized responsibility away from personal and onto social, and now I sitting an ocean away have AC remotes with battery bays locked by tiny screws. She fucked over the world because she was personally inattentive and irresponsible, and shifted responsibility on the society as a whole.

Comment Re:Weirdly specific (Score 1) 110

You would need to store your proof of purchase, as well as warranty card I imagine. That's how it usually works.

One of the biggest problems is trying to locate a warranty card that was almost certainly thrown away in some spring cleaning when trying to get warranty for electronics (which is what that retailer sold). They're basically making it easier for you to make your claim by storing warranty relevant data with them. The problem regulator shat on them over was not having specific timeline on which they delete the data after it's expired. It was usually a few years after the warranty expires in batches (because warranty in Finland is also "for expected lifetime of the device" by law on top of whatever manufacturer offers). For example, there have been cases of people getting warranty repairs paid by manufacturer's and sellers' on things like washing machines that broke after a couple of years where warranty two years. Because board that issues recommendations on warranty issues ruled that expected lifetime of a washing machine is longer than warranty that was being offered by manufacturer.

Comment The actual problem (Score 1) 50

We flare because releasing natgas as it is not only produces a much greater greenhouse effect than CO2 from burning it, but because it's pretty toxic compared to CO2 and water vapor + tiny amount of impurities that come out.

Problem is that gas is often byproduct of oil extraction, and very difficult to transport since it's a gas and disperses, unlike oil that is a liquid and can be stored in a simple container.

So there have been attempts, some successful to capture the natgas and pipe it. Problem being that a lot of extraction points are really far away, and it's really expensive to build pipeline infrastructure (but really cheap to maintain it once its built). So capture isn't the problem. Transportation is.

And on top of that, the same Green activists that demand capture and transport also actively work to deny funds to build any of this infrastructure, and openly state that they will demand shut down of all of this long before it can pay for itself because "green transition and net zero must be made inevitable".

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 232

>Grandparents or siblings or other family members, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Tell me you're far left and fully absorbed its arguments for abolishing the family, without telling me you're far left and fully absorbed its arguments for abolishing the family.

And you have the balls to tell me that it is I who knows nothing about the subject of raising children. The irony.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 232

Ah, you're talking about Malthusian conspiracy theory of people hitting the food production limits so popular in academic circles. In reality, current estimated carrying capacity is realistically around 24 billion or so, and it's increasing by a couple of percentage points every year due to ice age recovery and AGW. Granted it's also bursty in real life, like when we hit the limits on being able to farm in Sahel, at which point a large percentage of Africa suddenly became far more agriculturally productive and self sufficient in staple foods.

Our population crash is nearly global at the same time, and all of the most agriculturally productive regions are the ones crashing. And ag needs people to function. If we hit the limit, it's going to be because of the population crash across the temperate belt which is by far the most agriculturally productive region on the planet, and one that benefits the most from ice age recovery and AGW.

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