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Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 1) 671

If he is able to get a Fair trial. (This is the United States, our criminal justice system while isn't perfect, isn't so bad off that it cannot be done). There should be enough people for a fair jury, especially due to morally ambiguous issues, whistle blowing to show off abuse vs. just following order.
The trial can be used to bring to light rules on how to correctly whistle blow, and force changes in the organizations structures.

My personal view, I think he went too far, while I admire his intentions he crossed the line. However crossing that line means now the court will need to show where that line is.

I expect he will get 10-20 years of prison. Then get hired to work for some political action group.

Our history shows that people who willingly take their time for their actions, usually end up looking better in the eyes of history then the guy who cowers in some other countries borders.

Comment Re:Yeah.... (Score 1) 106

But if Google gets a reputation of not showing businesses, just because they have a hissy fit, then people won't use it because it isn't giving them accurate search results.
But Google and Facebook, are very popular, but still not vital. I can change my habits for Google with Yahoo or Bing,
I can swap Facebook with Twitter, linkedin or even Google+

Telco on the other hand own the infrastructure and you have little choice but to use it, or if you are using a competing service many of them are still renting the infrastructure from them as well. So if say your local Cable provider decides that your home or business isn't worth maintaining, without regulations, they will just cut you off, and you will be SOL. And because they have a captive audience they really don't care about getting a bad repuation.

Comment Re:Even worse - extensions == "chmod +x" ?!? (Score 4, Insightful) 564

The extension vs file system property is a trade off case. If I see a .EXE file I expect it to be a binary file. if I see a file which a 755 mod to it. How would I know if it is a binary file vs. a script without looking into it. Renaming a .bat file to a .exe will prevent it from running. A file that is chmod 755 will try to run. So the file extension is actually a good way to know what type of file it is.

Comment Re:c++? (Score 1) 407

I tend to agree, C++ gets its popularity just because you can code normal C in in it, but it does very little to put you in an OO mindset, you can use OO principles if you choose to do so, but thats it.
The issue that I have with C++ is the syntax get cluttered with symbols. ->, *, :: , >>, etc... When you are proficient at the language, they make sense, however while learning it, or having to relearn, after a period of inactivity, it isn't like riding a bike... You do forget, and have to relearn it again.

Comment Re:One way into mobile market (Score 2) 112

Am I the only one who is generally confused by Intel Marketing and rebranding blitz on their products.

Back in the olden day, We had 286, 386, 486... Life was easy, sure there was the SX vs DX (Math-co-processor addition). Then instead of the 586 we got the Pentium. Then is the Pentium pro the 686 or was that the Pentium 2. Then they added the budget Celeron to the name, but still it made sense. Finally at a point where the Ghz peaked around 3ghz, We got the Core and the Core Dual, then the Core 2, after the Core 2, intel swapped to using the i3, i5, and i7, and with a new number scheme.
Now they are doing this with the Atom, so we are just adding to the confusion.
I just want a simple method to knowing what I am running on and if I need my processor upgraded. That i5 runs faster than the 3 year old i7. If I want to upgrade, I may not want the newest but 1 generation behind. But it is so much harder to figure it out now.

Comment Re:YES (Score 1) 375

Well there is danger, as some "facts" are politically motivated.
Liberal values, tend to see things as dangerous. The dangers of GMO food (While there is so proven science to show otherwise), Chemical whatever when used in a consumer good must be bad, because if you drink it in raw form you will die...

Conservative values, tend to lead to things being safe, Global Warming is not caused by Humans, The chemicals that we pump into your water supply is safe.

Points evidence or lack of evidence is often explained as a conspiracy by their opponents to keep the truth away from us. (Sometimes this is true, smoking, lead, etc...) Other times it is just hoping it isn't the case and delaying the process until real evidence comes out.

Especially if it is rather new, much of the science is just in the hypothesis state, and probably just started recording data. There isn't facts, but a lot of opinions, worded as fact.

Now Google as an institution is left leaning. While their intentions may be good and not trying to push a political agenda, their algorithm will closely match what how their brains would match facts vs bluster, thus creating a subconscious autonomous political leaning system.

Comment Re:Trek is Outdated. (Score 1) 233

See my point. You are blaming capitalism on all our problems, however as of right now, increase trade and free market shows a reduction of war. When countries get isolated from free trade, they get more and more radicalized, as their exposure to other people become limited.

The human condition is to stick with the people you know the best. Trade, is what brings us out of our little world, to talk to other who are not like us. What would happen if we solve world hunger and the scarcity of supplies across the world, we would all cluster in our own little worlds, without having to talk to those folks not like us. Humanity like what is comfortable and safe. If we have all of our needs met, we will just cluster with our particular cliches.

Comment Complaining on the Internet, Makes you feel good (Score 1) 201

Sure you complain on the internet, you join a group of others doing the same thing, you feel like you are part of some grand movement... However you just some whispers in the wind.
In short you may get some media notice, But if the grand scheme comes down to the hard numbers.

Comment Trek is Outdated. (Score 1) 233

The Utopian future where technology solves our issues, is so 1960's and not modern anymore. Thus Treks vision is outdated. Can we get past racism? and we can probably get past a few of our artificially imposed issues. But to get this Utopian future (Or any Utopian Future) You need a massive buy in from a huge majority (I say over 90%), who are willing to have the same goal.

A common problem that we have, we think, if everyone thinks about the issues the same way that I have then we will be so much better off. But that is the issue, not everyone will see things that same way, and will have different views, and they will be just as insistent that there way is just as good if not better then yours.

Comment I AM SICK OF ZOMBIES! (Score 3, Insightful) 247

Zombies are worse than Pirates and Ninjas!

Zombies are not REAL, Zombies as an exercise isn't realistic, as you just applying basic game rules to a model.

Zombies as a literary element is about a lone or a few people against a mindless horde. So we can feel good that a guy with intelligence 1 standard deviation from the mean, can be victorious against such a hord, by outsmarting them. So us normal people feel good about ourselves, that we can somehow be better than the rest of the population.

This meme needs to go away, it is old and tiresome.

Comment Re:Just damn (Score 4, Insightful) 411

We can't emotionally morn for people who we have no connection too. We can just not like it as an academic point.
While Actors and Actresses aren't any more deserving for life then the children of the "third world", their work as affected our lives, thus we have more of an emotional bond to them.
The character of Spock that Leonard Nimoy played affected most of us. Spock was a good role model, kept his cool, fearless, and intelligent. Also Spock was the first few Aliens portrayed on TV who were the good guys.

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