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Comment Re:When it has no value (Score 5, Insightful) 45

Normally products are released Open Source as that they are not part of their business model.
If your business model is based on consulting, then for the most part it makes sense for most of your products that you make to be Open Source as you are not expecting to make money selling software, but consulting services.
Even if your model is selling software, particular tools that you make are outside of your sales area. Say if you make Electronic Health Records as your core business, your Web Framework that you made, or tools that you use for searching data etc... You might want to Open Source.
There is some advantages in Opening Source such systems.
1. You might get some support outside the company to fix bugs, make improvements etc...
2. Your company will get some good will for releasing the free tool.
3. Your code may create a workforce trained in your system, so there is less training for new hires.
4. You may be able to become the standard, vs trying to deal with a large sets of different methods all closed and expensive. You could kill your competition from you pet project.

Comment Re:Because...it's the LAW! (Score 1) 423

How is 3D printing enabling anyone?

If you wanted to make your own gun. Any Joe Smo with a garage workshop could make one, even without a 3D Printer. A bench drill, with a metal drilling bit, and some metal cutting and welding tools. is enough for someone to make their own gun. And just like a 3D printed model. It may not be the safest or relabel gun. But it can get the job done.

Comment Re:Just in time (Score 4, Insightful) 189

Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT.

While Windows XP had a 64bit version the 32bit version was still popular, as PC's at the time were still mostly under 4 gigs of ram, and most were 32bit processors.
XP lasted too long. There was too much effort in Vista, they wanted to make an ultimate OS, thus failed miserably, a system designed to take advantage of many of the next generation Ideas, that was not implemented.
Windows 7 "the new golden age of Windows?" really took the fact that there was competition with Mac OS and Linux seriously and made one of their most Solid Consumer OS, they fixed Vista's features that were over engineered and made it work well again. Windows 7 was good enough to put an end of the "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials. Windows 7 is also when people started switching seriously to a 64bit OS. And actually loosing compatibility with many of the old 16bit apps.
Windows 8 and 8.1 isn't that bad. However they tried to make a tablet and PC OS. By in turn making a system that isn't optimal for both. Granted now with the Ultrabooks with touch screens getting more popular, the interface changes are paying off a bit more, however we are missing what we need for a good workstation OS.
Windows 10... From what I have seen so far they seem to be going back to making it more of a workstation OS, with touch capabilities. The Tablet never caught on as well as people hoped. It didn't send the Desktop/Laptop into a doom spiral. However it changed that nature of the desktop to a smaller market share. Those who need to do real computing still needed these systems. And the new Ultrabooks convertible systems have caught on.

Now what about Linux and Macs?
If you don't like windows, there isn't anything wrong with Linux or Macs, so even if Windows 10 is a huge success... It doesn't mean it will kill your favorite OS as I am sure they will be around for decades to come.

Comment Re:Internet without evangelicals = Win (Score 1) 293

Part of the issue, is that too many people interpret a disagreement as an attack on them.
A lot of the biggest disagreements are over such petty little things.
Here are some Slashdot arguments in no particular order, where I had found some posts to go way whacked out, and take descending views rather personally.
Your preferred diet: Organic vs GMO food or An Omnivorous diet vs vegetarian or vegan
The Computer Operating System you are using
The Preferred default Text editor
Which Open Source License variant
New Slashdot features.
Changes to the Operating systems initialization routine.
Choice of Windows manager.

If these things which have little impact of the general word make so much fuss and anger. Imagine how it feels about something actually important.

There has been this idea that seems to have re-surged. "If everyone thought about x the same way I do, then all the problems would be solved" That is a dangerous approach that leads to tyrannical type of control of the population. We will have descending views, we need to learn to argue our point rationally, and realize we may not win every argument, or sway an opinion. However if in the process of the argument you listen to the other side you just may find a point that you didn't consider. After considering it and researching it, it may change your opinion, or it may be added and weighted to strengthen your own opinion.

Comment Re:Internet without evangelicals = Win (Score 1) 293

The problem when you separate these people they will only be more extream, as well your side would get more extreme.
Taking out the invisible men, and magic trick religions are still based on philosophies thousands of years in the making, where there are people who job is to study these philosophies. Vs the non religious folk unless they are a full time philosopher (and we don't have many of those on payroll) most of us have a system of belief based on short term ideas and can change when a political party gets a new funding source.
I am not saying that religions can't get corrupted as I think many of these evangelical religions are. But by isolating a group of people we will in generally miss out overall.

Comment Re: Outage.. (Score 2) 377

The Job interview process is actually a two way process.
The company needs/wants the resource, that is why they are open positions.
The Person needs/wants a job or a better job, that is why they are applying.

Now even in the height of the last recession and it was a big one. In America average Unemployment was under 10% of the population. While that created a market where employees had the advantage, it was only an advantage not supreme power.
1. The employees wanted people who were currently employed (Using an outdated reasoning that if they weren't laid off then they must be good enough to have made it). So while these applicants may be looking for a better job, they have a job currently and is only willing to take a better offer.

2. If your industry isn't offering the type of work people want to do for the money anymore, then people may make life decisions to go a different route. Go back to school and study a new topic. Use their skills in a different industry.

3. High turnover: Turnover is really expensive on average it takes 150% of the salary to deal with an employees turnover, having to retrain new employees, catch up time etc... If your corporate culture is poison. Then you will have a hard time keeping employees.

I have been on some job interviews where I lost my temper with the recruiter. One company had a very particular piece of software (Like so particular I couldn't find a relative match it with a Google search, except when I added the industry on it, then it was a few pages deep.) The recruiter kept on hounding me on this tool. I asked what does it do, where then I can at least give a general abstract answer to the questions. The they didn't know either. From this interview I got the following impression. The guy who worked on the software (Probably the guy who made it) left the company for a better job. They are trying to find someone with the exact skill sets and pay them as much as the guy who left for a better job. So they let a good resource leave, and they haven't learned from their mistakes and either realize that they will need to lower the requirements, or raise the salary and benefits.

Comment Re:Just to be clear (Score 3, Interesting) 58

ISP shouldn't store our traffic.
At best/worst they should only store the IP Address and MAC address to the customer start and and time, and our billing information. If the ISP charging via a usage meter then they can store how much data we use.

It shouldn't care where we go or what we do. The government shouldn't feel complied to ask them other then via a Warrant to track back an IP Address, to a customer. And still that shouldn't be enough to convict, just a lead to follow.

Submission + - How Apple Music Threatens Users's iTunes Libraries (forbes.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Early adopters of Apple Music are warning others that they could get more than they bargained for if they intend to download tracks for offline listening. Since Apple Music is primarily a streaming service, this functionality necessitates turning on iCloud Music for syncing purposes. The way Apple syncs files is to scan your library for known music files, and if it finds one, the service adds Apple's canonical copy to your collection. Unfortunately, this wipes out any custom edits you made to the file's metadata. For those who have put a lot of time into customizing their library, this can do a lot of damage to the music collection. Apple's efforts to simplify and streamline the process have once again left advanced users with a difficult decision to make.

Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

That is part of the issue.
1. Price: The 30k price range for most "affordable" electric cars is still a bit too much, for what you get for a car, you are still better off paying 20k for the same type of car and you will probably pay about the same for gas over the live of the car.

2. Range: 100-200 miles isn't that great. Sure it fine for your daily commute, but if you need to take a road trip, it gets riskier. Most gasoline cars get about 450-600 miles to a full tank. The argument get two cars or get a rental isn't that good of one. You want your own car for the most part and the freedom that comes with it.

3. Recharge time: Most people can fill up their tank in under 5 minutes. Charging an electric car can take a lot longer.

4. Fuzzy marketing... What people want to know is how much will it cost them in extra power bill to charge their car, and how much pollution is that worth, they just give you a loosy goosy response. While we know price varies, and if you have solar panels it may get offsetted.... however we would like a state average. Or at least give us some analogy such as running 3 dryers for 8 hours....

5. Limit being the green hippy car. I don't want my car to be a political statement, bumper stickers do that. I just want a good affordable car. I am a Prius owner, because I need to drive 60 miles every day for my commute and Gas gets expensive, I really do hate it when I get treated as a second class driver from SUV and pickup trucks filled with Right Wing bumper stickers. ( I have no bumper stickers on my car) thinking that I am some Liberal just because of the car I drive.

Comment Re:Outage.. (Score 2, Insightful) 377

As with most mistakes, it is part of a system that is faulty and awaiting one simple mistake to escalate.
Any one human can make a mistake. However a good system should have built in methods to protect against this.
Why wasn't their a backup system, why didn't it have have a fail over network/power, why wasn't there proper labeling.

Chances are there was a culture of trying to save money: paying for a redundant system cost twice as much, or more. Having those network guys spend hours cleaning up and reorganizing where they can be working on more profit driven activities.
They are too focused on being agile and quick, that they will let little things slip.

For 99% of the failures and mistakes that happen it is the fault of the system, and not of the person who happened to make mistakes.

Organizations need to prioritize these methods and follow to make sure they are worked. Not just write them down, post them on some intranet and blame people for not following them if it wasn't followed. It needs the full organization to make sure checks are in place.

Comment Is it purly your mistake. (Score 1) 377

I have been part of of a large mistake costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
However most mistakes are part of a chain of events of little mistakes, where they all combine to a big mistake. For example, if someone happen to trip over a plug that unplugged a production server. Then questions on why was the cable was out where it can be tripped, who decided that it wasn't worth the money to put time, to get a better system of cable management...

Normally a person will get fired for a mistake if it was due to intentional misconduct or it happens to get political and needs someone to blame, however if it happens you need to be sure that you put the blame back on the system (not an individual), then you will need to follow up to fix the system so it doesn't happen again.

Most of the most expensive mistakes, are often due to a huge chain of events. A good system should be in place to stop a simple mistake from escalate into big ones.

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