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Comment Re:The death of leniency (Score 1) 643

There should be particular guide lines for police discretion.
Broken lights, improper passing... Stuff in general where the person isn't really trying to do something criminal.
Besides, do you really expect to increase your staff 100% to watch what everyone else is doing all the time. The recordings should be reserved for legal proceedings, not job evaluations.

Comment Red Hat distribution. (Score 1) 232

Red Hat use to have a distribution for everyone. It was one of the most popular Linux distributions. Then it moved to Red Hat Enterprise, and that really caused many of the Linux users to find something else and switch. Fedora is nice and all, but it felt like Red Hat throwing a bone.

Ubuntu came up and took its place as the distribution for everyone. Red Hat got stuck in the stuffy enterprise market.

As most people who know, Enterprise software means over priced software, that barely works, but somehow it makes executives feel good about using it, probably because they need a full IT Staff just to keep it running.

So companies who want to follow the buzzards of agile and nimble, have swapped to non-Red Hat based systems.
Nothing technical, just bad PR from Red Hat, that made them loose their fan base.

Comment Re:shoot the admins (Score 2) 133

While for the standard home user, 4:30-7:30 outage, means you have to forgo your morning entertainment. However there are a lot of small/mid sized businesses dependent on TWC for their operations.

I just wish they would send me an email about the outage so I know not to try to reboot my wireless router then my cable modem. Then plug my PC to the cable modem to see where the connectivity down.

(BTW I was kidding about the email notification)

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

GNU/Linux is the term for the standard Linux OS Distribution.
As opposed to Android and many of the other imbedded OS's that use the Linux Kernel.

If you are using an OS that is very Unix Like and is based on the Linux Kernel then it is probably GNU Linux, unless it is not using most of the GNU licensed tools.
cat, ls, mv, cp...

Comment Re:not so fast (Score 1) 128

Wow! I can't believe such an ignorant comment was a +5 insightful.

1. The correlation between obesity and intelligence doesn't seem to have a connection. There is a stronger correlation between obesity and poverty and poverty with low test scores. But that is chaining a bunch of consolations together to come up with a faulty premise. You will need to compare Intelligence of Fat vs Skinny people in similar economic environments.

2. Obesity is a factor of over use of a nutrients, not a normal healthy usage. Just like too much of any nutrient will at some point be harmful, as it is more then the body needs. Humans in particular do crave sweets more then other animals, because we do need the sugar more then other animals. But to say if we eat a lot of sugar we will become taller and smarter is rather stupid, as out body needs to regulate it. Fat as well comes from having excess calories sugar and white carbs have a lot of empty calories. So while the good parts of the sugar may go to good use, when there is too much the calories will just add up.

Our body isn't about if a little is good for us then a lot must be better. However obese kids do tend to start puberty at a younger age, so the sugars may be causing parts of them to mature faster.

Comment The Title. (Score 1) 300

I was thinking from the title it would be more about how Journalists who get killed gets so much more attention and call to action from both sides of the political spectrum, then say a Red Cross worker or the countless other civilian groups who are facing danger on a daily bases from these people.

If it were a religious (Say a Christian charity) group who had one of its members kills the right will be all angry about it, but the left would be mediocre. However if it was an organized non-religious not for profit group then the Left would raise the flag, while the right would just let it slide.

However when it is a Journalist, the side that no one really wants to piss off, then we get a strong call to action. It is really sad that there is so much disparity between people trying to do the right thing, and how much value they are to the public.

Comment Re:The real crime here (Score 1) 465

For most non-violent offenders their crime often involves a loss of money or property from the victim.
The problem is often the offender has costed more damage then he could afford to repair. So how do you punish someone who had committed a crime but doesn't have the resources to make reparations?
That is why the Rich tend to get out of jail. They do a crime, but they just pay the fine and go home. The poor cannot pay the fine so the court decided that only thing they can really take away from him is his freedom for a period of time, so that is what they do.

Now this isn't fair, or justice. But there hasn't been much discussion on the alternatives. In the United States we have a law against Cruel or Unusual punishments, while on face value it is a good thing. However it does hinder innovation in penal justice.

Comment Re:Bad Study (Score 2) 611

The thing is, companies will normally go the route that will maximize profit.
So if you were to pay the $230 for the Add free internet. Then how will that money be distributed. Per click, length of time on the page, the amount of data transferred to your system?

Depending how the content providers will get paid for their pages, they will modify their pages for maximum profit. Either making a lot of small pages (presentation) to maximize the clicks. Or make a long winded stories to maximize the time spend on the page. Or just download a lot of useless stuff (uncompressed images etc) to maximize download counts.

The add free internet of the Old. Was just a bunch of company billboards, or some interesting projects made by students. (In terms of web). Most of the stuff on the internet was FTP to download patches and free software from companies. Or hobbies from students whos ISP was being paid by their colleges, where you had a Telnet BBS or perhaps a gopher site.

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