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Comment In related news... (Score 1) 130

... Facebook will also track your progress in Softball games using GPS and your last location on the field, if you've opted in to the Facebook Knows Where You Are at All Times product, to generate a notification when it thinks you've crossed a base or home. If you're safe, you can select "I'm Safe" and a notification and News Feed story will be generated with your updated stats.

Comment Re:Sorry. Non-issue. (Score 5, Insightful) 39

The issue isn't that they know where you are, the issue is that they're collecting and storing location-bsed data on users who thought they had explicitly opted out of having location data collected.

I presume they also are still collecting the IP addresses, which can be run against any geolocation software they want after the fact.

so: collecting location data? Not an issue.

Using Maxmind's geoIP service? Not an issue.

Asking customers if they want to opt out of having their location data stored, and then storing it anyway? THAT is an issue.

Submission + - NSA CTO Patrick Dowd Moonlighting for Private Security Firm (

un1nsp1red writes: Current NSA CTO Patrick Dowd has taken a part-time position with former-NSA director Keith Alexander's security firm IronNet Cybersecurity — while retaining his position as chief technology officer for the NSA. The Guardian states that "Patrick Dowd continues to work as a senior NSA official while also working part time for Alexander’s IronNet Cybersecurity, a firm reported to charge up to $1m a month for advising banks on protecting their data from hackers. It is exceedingly rare for a US official to be allowed to work for a private, for-profit company in a field intimately related to his or her public function." Some may give Alexander a pass on the possible conflict of interests as he's now retired, but what about a current NSA official moonlighting for a private security firm?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 226

What Mir has over Wayland is a name that is easily confused with a space station. Otherwise, it's more of a KDE vs GNOME-style issue.

Each time I see one of these articles on slashdot or elsewhere, I go through a moment of confusion as I try to figure out how someone got an interview with the guy who developed software for MIR.

That'd be a cool Slashdot interview, by the way :)

Comment Re:Republicans Control Michigan (Score 1) 294

Interesting... so the best way to save a beleaguered auto mfg industry is to alienate an automobile company that's set to reinvigorate the auto mfg industry, so that they get stuff built by Toyota in Japan instead of by Detroit?

Also, as the vehicles aren't illegal to drive in MI and the current offerings require you to have significant capital and thus significant mobility, what exactly are they preventing here? New car sales in MI? Isn't this how Cuba ended up the way it did?

Their logic astounds me.

Comment Re:Let me FTFY (Score 1) 294

Actually, your argument hinges on not one, but two things: 1) money = speech, and 2) corporations = people.

The fact that corporations using money to get their way has been twisted by some into people exercising free speech just shows how far things have gone.

Comment Re:Telsa's lobbiest crashes (Score 1) 294

No. Lobbying involves talking and bribery involves illegal money.

Give me just one good reason why law makers would take legislation proposals written by a lobbyist who represents a non-voting entity and send it to the floor for a vote without so much as a single modification?

Because it's easier than writing it yourself? And hey... we play golf with those guys every Friday; it's not like they'd write up a proposal that's BAD, would they?

Comment Re:More feminist FUD (Score 1) 239

"Ascended. As in Nethack?"

Yup, which is what I point out when ever someone tells me they are "hard core". I'll give prop to people who even recognize what that means (props yo!), and anyone claiming to be a hard core gamer that doesn't understand what that means, well, lets just say that I'm not impressed ;)

I do know a hard core raider woman in EVE. I don't play EVE though, so I don't know the details, but my buddy (her roommate) plays 2nd fiddle to her.

I'm also not big on the CoD/DotA games these days. I use to get my fair share of TMP kills back in the Counter Strike days (pre-Source). But I've been in WoW/EQ guilds with women GMs, women main tanks, and women achievement seekers that have put me to shame with their accomplishments (and I consider myself a pretty solid gamer).

Maybe there are other women shamming other women in the gaming segment, it's definitely an issue for some of the other pro-women activities I support (like the Slut Walk in DC). And that is something that should also be tackled. But Women-women shamming is a drop in the bucket compared to the flood of male dominated sexist stereotyping, harassment, and abuse that the vast majority of ALL women have to deal with.

We've got a lot of work to do on >our subculture's behavior before we worry about other groups.


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