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Comment Re:Crippling exploit in 3...2...1.... (Score 1) 299

I know that he means the on-board electronics in the battery, including the temp sensors and such. I'm of the opinion that all software is exploitable, even int main(){ printf("Hello, world") } has a clever exploit when compiled on a common consumer non-posix platform. If someone wants to hack that battery, there is a way that just needs to be found.

Comment Re:Define 'Terrorists' (Score 4, Insightful) 230

Hamas launched their rockets into Israel, Israel retaliates with full scale massive military campaign --- Gaza Strip almost flattened as a result. While Hamas are terrorists (nobody can deny it) the Israelis are also not that 'non-terrorists' either

How did the US retaliate when Al Qaeda attacked them? How many Afghans were killed in that campaign, and how long did it last?

How did the US retaliate when Iraq attacked them? How many Iraqis were killed in that campaign, and how long did it last? For that matter, exactly _when_ did Iraq attack the US?

Comment Re:SwiftKey (Score 1) 140

I bought both Swype and Swiftkey for my Note 3 (huge screen). In both English and Hebrew Swiftkey was both easier to start using and consistently gives better results. I even tried using Swype exclusively for a few weeks to see if I could train Swype / train myself to get it to work as well as Swiftkey, but that never happened.

Comment Re:Are non-China users safe? (Score 1) 100

I don't know what certificates he settled on, but if you aren't doing a whole lot of international browsing, you can safely disable any foreign CAs (especially foreign government CAs or anything you can't read). In Firefox, you can get the country of origin by viewing the certificate and looking at Issuer, under the Details tab. "C = " will list the country code. Most of the big CAs are in the US, but there are a few big ones that aren't: Comodo, StartCom, Thawte, AddTrust.

In Firefox, you can disable without deleting, by clicking "Edit Trust...". Even if you delete a root CA, it will show back up on restart with all of its trust disabled. You can't delete them permanently from the UI.

Thanks. I did notice that a deleted CA returned on restart, but I didn't notice that it still had all of its trust disabled.

Comment Re:Are non-China users safe? (Score 1) 100

Thanks. I've tried that in Firefox, but there is no way to disable a cert and then reenable it: the option is called Disable/Delete and it does the latter: Delete. There does not seem to be a way to disable certs until they are needed. What region are you in, and which certs do you have enabled. I would like to know just as a starting point. Thank you!

Comment Linux foundation using MS Word?!? (Score 1) 116

The draft of the "Let's Encrypt" Certificate Policy is available in PDF here: Note that the PDF document's title is "Microsoft Word". I find that rather unusual for the Linux Foundation! Wasn't LibreOffice or some other Linux-available office suite good enough to write that document? I'm surprised that they are using a Windows desktop for everyday tasks such as document editing.

Comment Re:scratch (Score 1) 315

The largest advantage of Scratch is the immediate results and the mixture of multimedia content that can be done with literally just a single click of a button. It can be extended to further complexity just one or two mouse clicks at a time.

I disagree that multimedia and "click of a button" should be the goal when teaching children. Rather, I think that teaching them the computational process, and how to structure their thoughts, should be the goals.

For this, I completely disagree that Python is a viable replacement or even worse something that should be done instead of Scratch. Don't get me wrong, Python is a fine computer programming language and perhaps as a 2nd language to teach a kid it might be very useful. It is just lousy as an introductory environment for somebody in grade school or junior high school to learn the basic concepts of computer programming.

The other fun thing about Scratch that beats Python hands down is that Scratch is also multi-threaded with parallel processes happening as a major feature of the language. Kids doing stuff in Scratch don't even realize they are doing that kind of stuff until it is pointed out that some program/project they are making has nearly a dozen threads and even more event handlers being used. I don't see Python being nearly so easy to introduce such concepts.

Again, I disagree. Scratch seems to be hiding so much away that one can write a multithreaded application without realizing it? How does that teach structured thought processes? If the goal is to get whiz-bang graphics out the door quickly, the Scratch sounds great. If the goal is to teach a fun, productive hobby that could turn into a profession, then it sounds terrible. I suppose that the choice depends on one's goals.

Comment Re:scratch (Score 2) 315

What kind of IDE/environment are you using?

VIM. No, seriously, my eight year old uses VIM!

My first language was Logo. Couldn't do much with it, but it was fully interactive, which meant that you got immediate feedback as soon as you pressed Enter.

Perhaps that is why VIM is a good choice. In the learning stages one learns to use it, and the immediate feedback is a form of gratification if it does what you intended. And when VIM does something unexpected, we laugh and wonder what we can learn from that.

Comment Re:Python (Score 1) 315

I wish I saw this post, I just posted above about my eight year old daughter's experience with Python. It is a great language for children, very easy to use and none of the confusing (for kids) brackets to explain. We're writing console applications such as hangman and having tons of fun. Kids don't need all the attention-grabbing flashy graphics that markets lure them with like candy. They do need something intellectually stimulating, and seeing for the first time that you can call your sister cute with this is just too much fun:

>>> def is_cute(name):
...   print(name + " is cute!")
>>> is_cute("Maayan")
Maayan is cute!

Sorry for the font, changing my posting settings was the only way to get the code to display properly.

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