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Comment Re:Bigger than the Grand Canyon Taller than Everes (Score 4, Interesting) 77

Really it's impressive before you think about it. The Earth has active plate tectonics and ongoing weathering. It should come as no surprise that planets which don't have more pronounced features.

Also, the Earth has much higher gravity. Surface elevation gradients are much more pronounced on bodies with lower surface gravity, even though they have higher tidal gradients. Mars' largest volcano, Mons Olympus, could not stand on Earth due to the 3x higher gravity here.

Comment Re:Why not (Score 1) 112

Thank you, you've given me something to consider. I'm not familiar with all the nations' dictators on the list, but from what I do know and some casual googling it seems that most of these were dictators in name only: the country had a supposed functioning checks and balances system and the 'dictator' was more of an overly power-hungry prime minister, such as the case in Turkey today. Well, Turkey is going Russia's route with the dictator being now the President and wielding real power, but that's the idea.

An additional observation is that in a few of your examples, such as Portugal, the dictator was in fact very good for the economy and the people. I was not alive at the time, but I understand that Salazar kept Portugal from being ruined in WWII and did wonders for the economy afterwards.

As for the South American nations, I would hardly argue that they are doing OK, with the possible exception of Columbia and Brazil. Argentina in particular is a mess.

Comment Re:Why not (Score 1) 112

If the dictators fall and are replaced by something nicer (yes, that is a big if), they tend to develop faster, bringing more wealth, stability and safety for all of us.

Though it might feel nice to believe this, it is not the case. Please mention one country which developed faster, and brought wealth, stability and safety after it's dictator fell. East Germany, which really wasn't a dictatorship? Because Romania, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, and countless other counter examples prove that statement as little more than naive wishfulness.

Comment Re:Wondering why it did not occur naturally (Score 1) 74

Evolution gets stuck on local maxima. There is a very real danger that even simple improvements could be disastrously successful.

This is the right answer, too bad it is AC. It succinctly sums up the many different ways that mutations form and die off, and the consequences of some "good" mutations that do not have a supporting environment. Just watch a petri dish fill up to the point of leaving no resources left for its bacteria, when those bacteria become too successful.

Nature, with her finite resources, kills off species that become too successful.

Comment Re:No more! (Score 1) 69

GPLv2 (not LGPL) will be a big showstopper for some projects.

So those open source projects that ensure that code is contributed back to the community, will enjoy this code contribution and be secure. GPL cuts both ways, sure, and I'm actually glad that the secure option requires code to be contributed back.

Comment Re:Wetware hack: Sardines as desert (Score 1) 145

Of course they know what sweet tastes like. I just took the difficult-but-responsible act of teaching my children to enjoy things that are not sweet, rather than the easy-but-harmful act of teaching them to crave sweets and other harmful substances. My eight year old also does calculus and completely understands the difference between kinetic and potential energy, and does mgh=1/2mv^2 to figure out how fast something is falling, or how fast she needs her bicycle to go before hitting the curb, such that it will have enough speed afterwards to keep upright. She'll also tell you all about gravity, thrust, lift, and drag and then tell you why the F-4 has so much anhedral on the horizontal stabilizer.

I guess it helps that my kids are outside playing, exerting energy and learning how things work, while many other children are snacking away in front of the TV all evening. Some parents go for easy. Some parents invest in their children.

Oops, I fed a troll. If it's an excuse to brag about my smart, healthy kids, then it was worth it.

Comment Re:Sounds very much like (Score 1) 190

I can't help thinking that if he had registered the website under his first name he might have had more issues than just being taken to court if he didn't hand it over. Cough ... MOSSAD .. Cough

Actually the weapon called the Uzi is named after Uzi Gal, who invented it. It is a common enough name.

Comment Re:Sounds very much like (Score 3, Informative) 190

Sounds very much like Nissan Motors vs. Nissan Computer, where Nissan Motors tried to claim a domain registered before the Nissan name was commonly used (they were still naming cars Datsun at the time).

It should also be noted how Nissan Motors tried (and almost succeeded) in bankrupting Uzi Nissan. That is the reason why I did not even consider a Nissan in 2007 when I was shopping for a new car. I even made it a point of letting the dealer know that when they approached me as the Nissan dealership is in the same facility with other makes.

Note that I once had a turbo manual 280ZX with an independent rear suspension that I absolutely loved. There is no better way to alienate intelligent consumers than to tread on their morals, no matter how satisfied they may be with your company's products.

Comment Re:The Fuck? (Score 1) 175

And the author hasn't looked at a relation database in the last few years, either. PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and I'm sure the other big ones all have JSON (or similar) column types now that let you attach semi-structured elements to your records. You get all the benefits of a RDBMs (ACID, referential integrity, 40 years of history) _and_ all the benefits of NoSQL.

Seriously, there's no good reason not to start with PostgreSQL and only add MongoDB if you really have a good use case for it (you know, you suddenly need to be Web Scale). Personally (and professionally), I use both, with PostgreSQL as the main DB for everything and MongoDB for read-only collections of indexed data.

My challenge to devs out there: spend the hour it takes to learn SQL and understand what you can actually do with it. And, stop pretending that an RDBMS won't scale to meet your needs (spoiler alert: it will).


What JSON column types exist in MySQL? I know that MariaDB supports COLUMN_JSON() on dynamic columns for SELECT statements (but no way to insert JSON), but MySQL seems to have no native JSON support. Even the third-party components such as mysqljson only import and export JSON, there is no internal JSON nor dynamic column storage and the values are stored in native MySQL datatypes in predefined columns.

Even in MariaDB, WHEREing from a dynamic column means parsing the whole table's dynamic columns (i.e. no index). It is little more than a native serialize feature, and in fact is stored internally as a blob.

The major feature (and I personally don't like it but perhaps that is because I've never had a good need for it) of MongoDB and brethen is that the "columns" (actually JSON array elements) are _not_ predefined. Thus you can have a table with the following "rows" (note the different columns):
["id":1, "type":"shirt", "colour":"blue"]
["id":2, "type":"pants", "size":"36"]

Comment Re:Popping the popcorn (Score 2, Insightful) 262

He didn't "escape" from Sweden. He left with permission. He isn't "hiding". Everyone knows where he is. He just isn't going out of his way to turn himself in, after having announced his location and intentions to the authorities. I don't know what that is, but it isn't "fugitive".

I believe that the term you are looking for is "refugee".

Comment Re:Slashdotters (Score 3, Informative) 181

It's worth noting that this video is only 8k resolution, but it's not what the eventual 8k broadcast standard will be.

And if you want to see the actual video, then here's the URL:

You can watch it while the linked article _about it_ times out after 30 seconds or so of trying to load.

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