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User Journal

Journal Journal: Google, my Hero! 6

Yeah, I said that.

Many, many moons ago, anyone that knows me that long might remember me asking about where to find a two-page advertisement that Sun Microsystems had put out some time around 1998. It had a picture of Sally Struthers and a caption that said something like "Thinking of running your critical apps on NT? Isn't there enough world suffering?"

Comment Re:So what are the terms? (Score 1) 99

I've had a number of nice conversations with attorneys over the years. They range from specific real cases and current news events, to totally hypothetical events. Frequently, you'll hear "it depends on the judge". Different judges have different opinions. One may side with you totally, while another will be annoyed that you even attempt to reference a particular thing. That's the biggest thing a local attorney who knows the judge will give you.

In his case, one judge may like that he had no intention of violating the IP of the other. Another may prefer to hear that the violation was coincidental. And a third may not care and put him on the hook for a stack of damages.

Asking for legal help here and expecting an answer that can be used is totally different. An attorney doesn't have all the facts, doesn't know the jurisdiction, and would open themselves up to legal trouble.

If the advice is valid in the attorney's jurisdiction, but not the OP, he could come back and blame the attorney.

If the attorney is giving advice outside of the area where he is licensed, he can run into trouble.

If there's something significant that changes the case, then he gave bad advice.

And just like the aforementioned car analogy, a mechanic online can't give the answer to "what is that noise". That thump may be a flat tire, the bass is turned up too loud, or any number of things.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Am I human? 4

According to slashdot, apparently not. I keep getting "You have failed to confirm you are a human"

Comment Re:Just like defense distributed (Score 1) 216

From the "Second Amendment" point of view- if the government has drones that can fire missiles, why shouldn't we have drones that can fire handguns?

Still, I dislike the engineering method of this. I think there's a far better way to do it, there is no need for a grip or trigger on a mounted gun, that's just extra weight.

Comment Re:It's only 'interference' when your side loses (Score 1) 32

"Enlightenment" is just another name for blowing your mind out on drugs until you can't tell the difference between right and wrong and can't remember history.

The "might makes right" crowd is on your side of "progress"- that's why they keep killing children in the womb and selling their body parts online.

Comment Re:Lost track of Sequence (Score 1) 106

I bought a laptop (Core2-Duo CPU, 2MB RAM) that came with Vista shortly after Vista was released. I actually liked it, and that's saying something when you consider that every single Microsoft OS has let me down at one time or another. It seemed to me that most of the people that didn't like Vista were trying to run it on systems that were optimized for XP.

I now have Windows 7 on all my gaming systems (long story, i'm all about using the right tool for the job), and I'm considering Win10.

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