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Cloud Microsoft

Microsoft, Nvidia Partner To Build a Massive AI Supercomputer in the Cloud (zdnet.com) 11

Nvidia and Microsoft announced Wednesday a multi-year collaboration to build an AI supercomputer in the cloud, adding tens of thousands of Nvidia GPUs to Microsoft Azure. ZDNet: The new agreement makes Azure the first public cloud to incorporate Nvidia's full AI stack -- its GPUs, networking, and AI software. By beefing up Azure's infrastructure with Nvidia's full AI suite, more enterprises will be able to train, deploy, and scale AI -- including large, state-of-the-art models. "AI technology advances as well as industry adoption are accelerating," Manuvir Das, Nvidia's VP of enterprise computing, said in a statement. "The breakthrough of foundation models has triggered a tidal wave of research, fostered new startups, and enabled new enterprise applications."
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Microsoft, Nvidia Partner To Build a Massive AI Supercomputer in the Cloud

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