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Journal heliocentric's Journal: Omoroso bin Laden (possible weirdo @ door update) 13

As you may recall there was a weird woman that came to my door a few weeks ago.

Well, I suspect she has attempted to make further contact. I'm sure it was my charming sense of humor and dashing looks.

Someone has mailed us a post card, "Subject: Your Gift." This alone makes me think of her. The author then goes on about attempting to contact us about "a gift waiting for you." It is either her or my drug dealer has gotten high again and is celebrating another made up holiday.

She signs the card, "Please hurry and give me a call. Thanks, Ms Ream 717-509-0688."

The card is postmarked "Southeastern, PA [zip is too faint to read]." I'm confused since to me "Southeastern, PA" is simply a region, not a specific location.

The best I can figure the phone number listed is a cell phone number. As such I'm assuming she will have caller ID so I'm hesitant to call and ask if she has Prince Albert in a can, but maybe someone out there will have suggestions. I'm thinking perhaps a payphone run with some found pocket change.

I think the number is a Lancaster, PA based phone number and the registered carrier is Ctsi. I emailed Ctsi but they didn't seem to want to give out customer information and could neither confirm nor deny that this number is in use by one of their customers.

Maybe I should get luvsbway to call her and setup an appointment for her visit. I can be ready with cameras to capture the visitor should she be my favorite door-to-door dweeb. We could setup people to quickly park her minivan in. Then, when I give the GO sign and we can give her a selection of our own gifts.

Maybe if this turns out to be her I could make an enema addict website with her contact information ("Ream" just conjured images of enemas, I don't know why). I'd hate to run an ad. in the paper since my friend Zerocool isn't in trouble right now. Perhaps I should go see Razor and Blade. Nah, they're flakes. Lord Nikon, you got any ideas?


Luvsbway has called the number twice today and has been able to learn that it is Vicki Ream. Sometimes if you call a man will answer. His name is Scott Brown.

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Omoroso bin Laden (possible weirdo @ door update)

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