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Really funny ad

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  • I never get why Slashdot has Microsoft ads saying Windows is better than Linux. I suppose it means we can move a little money from Microsoft to /. by clicking it. Mind you, a combination of Firefox's Image blocking and Flash click to view means I never see the ads anyway.
  • Targeted Advertising (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Elpacoloco ( 69306 ) <elpacoloco@ds l e x treme.com> on Friday April 16, 2004 @08:58PM (#8888173) Journal
    I remember when I searched google for "Gnutella," I got like five or six ads from the RIAA about "MP3 Downloading is SATANIC BABY EATING EVIL!!!!"

    Uh huh, yeah, clearly that's what you want the people who are interested in gettin gnutella to believe.

    So yeah, apparently the BSA believes that slashdot readers are a bunch of software pirates.
  • ...I always consider what kind of software piracy I should report. Perhaps I should report some of those cases where GPL software is illegally copied without source code.
  • Pardon?

    So the advert seems to threaten that I must 'speak up' (to whom? the BSA?) or 'pack up' (pack what? clear my desk? tell the company to fold?). Hypothetically speaking, if I worked in a company that used pirated s/w (I don't) why would I want them to incur a nasty fine, potentially losing my job to boot?

    Um thanks, but I think I'll pass.

    If a company uses software that should be paid for then let them pay for it or seek out the legal, better alternatives out there.

    Maybe I'm supposed to take the flas

  • I ran into this ad [usask.ca] about five years ago. I saved a copy for posterity, and for discussions like this.
    • Hmm... the first thing I "noticed" about that ad is that the light in the middle looks like a deformed, pointed cartoon penis.

      Yeah. And then I noticed "loose."

      Oh, I needed much more sleep last night than I got...

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