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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Need a recommendation 4

I don't post here often, but I consider the people in my friends and foe list here to be the most intelligent technologists of our age.

Due to a recent forced cleanup, I have regained my home office, and with newer, lighter flat panels rather than old heavy big desk monitors, I wish to create a real home office with as many wall mounted monitors as possible and room for 3-4 laptops, in addition to my keyboard and mouse. Due to carpal Tunnel, I now use two keyboards and a nice trackball, as well as a USB3 based docking station for maximum compatibility and additional video outputs.

What I really need is a 4x3 USB switch. Additional video switching optional. Ability to direct any of the 4 inputs to any of the three outputs, in any combination, allowing me to switch keyboards, mouse, and USB Hub separately.

Anybody have any recommendations for such a beast?

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Need a recommendation

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