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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: To my mod-bomber 9

This shit is getting old. You still haven't changed my karma - and you probably never will - but this is getting really annoying. I don't know what the point is that you think you are making, and I don't particularly care. I am writing this to say that if you don't either stop or at least do a better job of being covert about it, I will bring it up to slashdot.

Here's a hint if you want to try for the latter - moderating comments that I write in my own journal entry as "overrated" or "flamebait" is a dead giveaway that you are pursuing some obtuse agenda against me.
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To my mod-bomber

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  • I also seem to have acquired some secret admirers the last 2-3 weeks who are going behind me dropping Overrateds on many of my posts.

    Not only has my karma apparently not been affected by this, but recently I've been getting mod points 3-4 times a week and I find that I'm no longer restricted in the number of times I can post AC to a given story.

    Keep up the good work, I guess. :)

    • I also seem to have acquired some secret admirers the last 2-3 weeks who are going behind me dropping Overrateds on many of my posts.

      I don't even care when people hit my regular discussion comments with overrated, even though it is epically cowardly. It annoys me when people apply moderation to JE comments, as it shows they are after the commenter and not the comment.

      Not only has my karma apparently not been affected by this

      I have yet to see mine move from excellent. I figure the idiots who are doing this to me are trying to go after my karma, but they haven't pulled it off, yet.

      but recently I've been getting mod points 3-4 times a week

      I haven't had mod points in over a year now, I'm pretty sure. There was a time I would get points regularly (th

      • I don't even care when people hit my regular discussion comments with overrated, even though it is epically cowardly. It annoys me when people apply moderation to JE comments, as it shows they are after the commenter and not the comment.

        This. I've been seeing a lot of it lately.

        I think the Red State Trike Force has been out and about lately, with the election and all. Every online community is getting hit with this stuff, I've heard.

        • I think the Red State Trike Force has been out and about lately, with the election and all. Every online community is getting hit with this stuff, I've heard.

          But the conservatives (and especially the paullowers) insist that they are an oppressed minority here on slashdot, hopelessly drowned out by the volume of the massive hordes of socialists. How could they possibly manage to amass enough mod points to do this here, if there are so few of them?

          Indeed, there has been a lot more of this lately than in the past. Maybe I've just drawn the ire of more people than before?

      • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

        I haven't had mod points in over a year now, I'm pretty sure.

        I figured that one out last year. I hadn't had points in a long time, and after a period of mostly lurking, all of a sudden I'd get 15 points every single day, whether or not I'd used all 15 from the day before. When I started commenting regularly again, the mod points stopped.

        I don't understand why they even allow moderation in JEs. I also don't understand why there's a wait between comments when you're responding to comments in your "message cen

        • I figured that one out last year. I hadn't had points in a long time, and after a period of mostly lurking, all of a sudden I'd get 15 points every single day, whether or not I'd used all 15 from the day before. When I started commenting regularly again, the mod points stopped.

          I remember you - and possibly others as well - mentioning that. It doesn't seem to work for me. Whether I go a few days just reading (while logged in) or am out of town and offline for a week (hence not connected at all) I still don't get points.

          I recall a different discussion a while back (I think it was in a JE though I don't remember whose) where a slashdot employee eluded to the existence of a "never give mod points" list. I don't know if I'm on it (or why I would be) but I can't help but wonder

          • I recall a different discussion a while back (I think it was in a JE though I don't remember whose) where a slashdot employee eluded to the existence of a "never give mod points" list. I don't know if I'm on it (or why I would be) but I can't help but wonder...

            I hadn't heard that before. If true, it kind of surprises me that I'm not on that list: I know (or used to know--haven't seen him in 2 or 3 years) one of the site's founders--or maybe it'd be more accurate to say a member of the founders' circle--in real life, and our association during the time we worked together was not entirely pleasant.

            (Man, that has got to be one of the least parseable sentences I've written in some time.)

            • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

              If there is such a list I must be on it, but as far as I can tell, some of the /. staff are fans of my writing. So id there is such a list, I doubt whether or not they like you has much if anything to do with it.

              • And I have mod points again for the 3rd time this week.

                And it seems my illustrious acquaintance is one of my fans. (I have fans, WTF am I doing wrong?)

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