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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: If Everything In Govermnet Is A Socialist Takeover... 36

... Then wouldn't a Ron Paul Presidency automatically be one, too? After all, the Paullowers claim that there is a socialist takeover even when there is no socialism and no takeover. Hence a Paul presidency, being part of the government, would have to be another socialist takeover under their understanding of the concept.
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If Everything In Govermnet Is A Socialist Takeover...

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  • Everything is collapsing, first toward DC, then into some global uber-state, if the Progressives have their way.

    Paul, if I may interpret, is trying to halt that tendency, and restore some value to the individual.

    • Paul, if I may interpret, is trying to halt that tendency, and restore some value to the individual.

      I don't see how giving all the power to the corporations would accomplish that. When the workers lose most (quite nearly all) of their rights and value to the company, it doesn't seem to bode well for the people who are not at the top of the pyramid.

      • And so the answer is to give all power to the government, the ultimate corporation?
        • And so the answer is to give all power to the government, the ultimate corporation?

          I think that is where one of the great misunderstandings lie between American "left" and "right". While I don't speak for all people of the American "left", I can tell you that I do not seek to give all power to government. I do, however, have specific roles that I feel the government should have, and specific roles that I feel the government could handle better than the current situation.

          Ultimately what I seek is better mobility and rights for the working class. In my mind the health insurance comp

  • No. And this is because when people say "everything in govt. is a socialist takeover" they do not literally mean "everything in govt. is a socialist takeover", they mean "most everything in govt. is a socialist takeover".

    And for people who are vehemently against both socialism and govt. takeovers, the mere laying of the groundwork for a socialist takeover (like Obamacare is) is close enough. As an analogy, if you're deathly afraid of heights, when the fence gets knocked down and you're pushed 6 feet closer

    • when people say "everything in govt. is a socialist takeover" they do not literally mean "everything in govt. is a socialist takeover", they mean "most everything in govt. is a socialist takeover".

      From what I've seen - especially when paullowers are involved - they honestly do see everything to literally be a socialist government takeover, even when no socialism or takeover is involved. Hell if Nokia bought out RIM next week some of them would call that a socialist government takeover, even if every employee of RIM lost their job as a result.

      And for people who are vehemently against both socialism and govt. takeovers, the mere laying of the groundwork for a socialist takeover (like Obamacare is) is close enough

      That supports my point quite well there. "Obamacare" has no socialism nor does it have any takeover in it. And this statement is coming from someone

      • What prior WH press secretary Robert Gibbs called the "professional Left" I would call the "impatient Left", and include you in that category. From my POV, Obamacare lays the groundwork for the federal govt. to drive private health insurance out of business, and is a very significant, historic *step* in the Leftward progression of America. But from your POV, it's still so far from the actual goal, and some say will/is for the time being boosting the for-profit health ins. industry, that it's very frustratin

"In matrimony, to hesitate is sometimes to be saved." -- Butler
