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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: $freaks++ (two in one week) 4

Relationship Change
sent by Slashdot Message System on Saturday July 07, @12:05AM

Curunir_wolf (588405) has made you their foe.

It appears that a very calm, rational, and friendly ron paul supporter has added me to his foes list. Oh wait did I say calm, rational, and friendly? No, he appears to be none of those:

Your entire post amounts to "I'm completely ignorant on this topic, but I'm going to spout my bullshit opinion anyway." [...] So fuck you, you ignorant little shit. [...] you're such an arrogant douchebag piece of shit.

I suggest you stop pointing out how ignorant you are, especially about politics.

Slashdot is ruled by statists whose every solution involves "more government, and at the highest level"

We practically have a dictator running the country now, implementing whatever policies he is told to by Valarie, and you idiots still trot out every excuse you can think of to support him. Stunning.

The second-to-last was actually part of a reply he wrote to something I wrote. The others were just comments that were shown immediately when clicking on his name.

I seem to be the latest addition to his list of ~40 foes. Do you suppose he wonders why he has a couple dozen freaks (though not as long as his list of foes)?

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$freaks++ (two in one week)

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  • Oh, I meant to tell you, apropos of one of your earlier journal entries: "Jew List" made me a foe. I would love to know what I said or did to make him mad. After you mentioned it in your journal, I was beginning to feel left out.

    Wait, do you think that his nickname means he's putting anyone he thinks is a Jew on his foes list? Wow, we've got the real thing here at Slashdot now.

    My money is that it's either "Third Position" or one of his minions (and yes, he has minions). I pointed out that the group th

    • Wait, do you think that his nickname means he's putting anyone he thinks is a Jew on his foes list? Wow, we've got the real thing here at Slashdot now.

      I actually wasn't concerned about the nickname having any great meaning at that point. However now that you point it out, it could be. Of course there are other derogatory uses of the word "Jew" that do not necessarily mean Judaism (which still doesn't make it right - just makes it different).

      And if he does mean Judaism when he means "Jew" then I suggest he look at any of my numerous posts where I have stated plainly that I am agnostic. Of course for some that might be "Jew-y" enough.

      My money is that it's either "Third Position" or one of his minions (and yes, he has minions)

      I had never hea

    • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

      Some people in the thread went to the Third Position site and then reported how surprised they were that it really was an actual White Supremacist Neo-Nazi

      lolwut. History & doomed to repeat etc.

  • Interesting that he would name himself after an LOTR villain. He's not on my freaks list, but a lot of his friends are.

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