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Journal Khyber's Journal: Massive headway achieved 3

Where other major companies have failed, I have succeeded. I have pumped 300w of LED power into a package that is 30mm x 30mm before actual packaging material/power leads are concerned, and kept it cool with a copper-cored carbon-coated heat sink. I am about to push the current envelope 5x past what China thinks is possible according to my inquiries to major manufacturing companies.

Here's a photo of the original 100w prototype, modified from an RGB module.

Everything is about to experience a severe system shock, from HID to plasma to fluorescent. This much power, in such a small space, and cooled easily via air cooling with an advanced heat sink not using phase changing tech or peltier cooling, is a game changer.

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Massive headway achieved

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Everything that can be invented has been invented. -- Charles Duell, Director of U.S. Patent Office, 1899
