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Journal Timex's Journal: Two things... 6

First thing: I see that articles and Journals on /. now have icons to facilitate sharing said articles on other sites. How would one request adding others, like Voat?

Second thing: I got myself a new computer, an Alienware Alpha. The system I have has the i7 processor. It's been in my possession a couple days and I have to say that so far, I am quite happy with it. It's not a top-of-the-line system, but for the price point (less than $700, and I had a discount on top of that), it appears to be worth every penny. The only thing I'm not thrilled about is that it came with Win10, but there's not much one can do about that these days.
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Two things...

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  • You mentioned the Fraggles. I have played the theme song to the Fraggles, on stage, in front of about 10,000 people at Hemp Stock. This was only about five years ago. Yes, yes we were stoned.

  • You can always install Linux, BSD or an older version of Windows as long as there are drivers for your hardware. I would recommend Windows 7 if you stay with Microsoft.

    Windows 10 is a strange animal, and I do not trust it personally. It was an eye-opener when a new computer knew my Wi-Fi security code when it was never on the network before.

    • by Timex ( 11710 )

      Yeah. I have another desktop with Win7 and I took the plunge for the "free upgrade" when it became available. Six months later, I reverted.

      Win10 looks pretty, but that isn't enough for me to want to stay with it. There were driver problems and everything. It was a mess.

      As for this beast, it's stable. I'm haven't checked to see the state of drivers for other (older) versions of Windows, but for now Linux is not an option, primarily because the primary purpose of this system (by design and by my own choi

  • New computers are always fun :-) As far as voit, I don't see them doing anything - it's looks like it's too small and too new - it hasn't proven itself, and they already have reddit. Besides, my experiment with using social media is going to pretty much end - there's just too much hate on places like facebook, and half of it is from the LGBT community trying to p0wn transsexuals into their model of "all-inclusive transgendered community", while we have nothing to do with cross-dressers, etc. Most of the at
    • by Timex ( 11710 )

      I've noticed that. The gay communities don't seem to want anything to do with transgendered people unless it fits their agenda.

      How very... ...tolerant of them.

      • They are assholes, and the current bathroom bill mess is their fault. Transsexuals are not "transgenderists", and yet they have worked very hard to counter that fact. This has resulted in the public confusing the two - and since many cross-dressers are male, with a male sexual identity, who the heck wants them legally in a woman's washroom? I don't.

        Hence my latest journal entry (see my new sig).

The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
