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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: The Teabaggers were right! 7

Limited Government IS the way to go!

A recent poll commissioned by the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, found a majority of Americans opposed DOMA and backed Obama's position. Other polls have found support for legalizing gay marriage entirely trending rapidly towards a majority -- a recent Pew survey found 46% of respondents opposed to allowing gay marriage versus 45% who back the idea.

Sadly, some Teabggers still haven't gotten the memo, apparently:

Under a GOP-backed bill expected to sail through the House of Representatives, the Internal Revenue Service would be forced to police how Americans have paid for their abortions. To ensure that taxpayers complied with the law, IRS agents would have to investigate whether certain terminated pregnancies were the result of rape or incest. And one tax expert says that the measure could even lead to questions on tax forms: Have you had an abortion? Did you keep your receipt?

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The Teabaggers were right!

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  • But she didn't carry it to term.

    Said something about wanting to run as a science-denying House member.

  • 1. If men got pregnant, abortion would be free, quick, anonymous, available at any drive-thru, and earn you Air Miles rewards.

    2. If men got pregnant, the more abortions a man gets, the more a "real playa" he'd be. Women would still be portrayed as "promiscuous sluts", though.

    3. If men got pregnant, there'd be a weekly segment on do-it-yourself shows - "Fix this abortion" featuring coat hangers, shop vacs, and do-it-yourself chemistry kits.

    4. If men got pregnant, morning sickness and post-partum depr

    • If men got pregnant, the human race would have become extinct a long time ago.

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Even though you're joking...

      If men got pregnant, the more abortions a man gets, the more a "real playa" he'd be. Women would still be portrayed as "promiscuous sluts", though.

      Nope, back in the '70s after abortion was legalized, the word "slut" nearly became extinct. A woman would walk up to a man in a bar and say "wanna fuck?" as casually as she'd say "wanna smoke a joint?" It was a great time to be a nerd -- no need to know how to seduce a woman. They were almost all willing to fuck almost anybody's brains


        If you're a woman and your belly sticks out farther than your tits, you're obese.
        If you're a man and your tits stick out farther than your belly, you're obese.

        Thanks, that is hilarious. I've GOT to pass that along.

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